14. The Meadow

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Blaze raced after his boys as they ran towards the meadow. They were playing a very intense game of tag and he was it. In a blink he changed into his wolf form which helped him gain speed on the boys. He quickly covered the distance between them and tagged Blaine with his nose. Blaine snapped his jaws at his dad and then turned to try to tag him back. Blaze was too fast for the young pup and easily out maneuvered him. Blaine then chose an easier target aka a certain younger brother of his.

You can't catch me! Kinvaris mocked, changing forms. Soon the entire family was in wolf form as they played. I can too! Blaine cackled when he tackled Kinvaris to the ground and booped him with his nose. I wanna be it! I wanna be it! Shadow eagerly ran up to his older brother, he was tired of not being chased in the game. Run! In a flash Shadow was running and Kinvaris was letting him think he was getting away. Just as Shadow looked back to see how far away his brother was, Kinvaris was on his heels and booped him.

I'm gonna get you! Shadow howled as he chose his victim, Blaine. The game soon only involved the three brothers and they totally forgot about Blaze. Which was okay with him, he would much rather watch the game than actually be in it.

Eventually the boys grew tired of tag and went to take a nap. The long grass tickled them as they made their way to their favorite napping spot, under the apple tree. Each brother chose his own spot and soon they were all asleep. Blaze on the other hand chose to stay awake and remain on guard for anything dangerous. You never know what is lurking just beyond the tree line.

Far beyond the tree line Songbird was looking for anything that looked familiar. She did her best to picture where everything was when she'd look out from the cave mouth but nothing came to mind. Okay, that was a lie one thing came to mind. The creek. If she found the creek she could follow it and it would hopefully bring her to where Blaze could find her.

She cocked her head to the side and tried her hardest to listen for running water. She did not hear running water, instead she heard the joyful sound of birds singing and the hum of insects going about their day. It gave her a sort of peaceful feeling, like she was going to be okay.

She continued her wandering around in pain. Each slight twist of her abdomen sent pain throughout her body. Every few steps she would stop to listen and enjoy not being in so much pain. Still there was nothing but birds and bugs. This did not deter Songbird though and she trudged on through the brush. The brush scratched at her face and stole her bandaids. She didn't bother grabbing them and putting them back on. They were now infected with whatever germs are out here and Songbird had no intention of getting an infection from them.

Suddenly she heard the soft babble of running water and she immediately stopped moving. It took her a few seconds to pinpoint where exactly the sound was coming from but once she did she couldn't stop grinning. Her way home was just feet away and she couldn't be happier. Rather than run to the creek like she wanted to, she took her time. She was mindful that sudden, fast movements could cause her wounds to start bleeding again.

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