9. Singing

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Three Months Later- April
Narrator's Pov.

Corporeal's word was true and the interrogations got worse and worse. With the amount of torture she's been put through, it's surprising that Songbird hadn't died yet. Her will to live was too strong and that drove the Judge mad. He made each "interrogation" session even more painful than the last.

"Hurry up, I'm hungry." Corporeal demanded, tapping his fingers impatiently. "I just got back from being beat, give me a minute!" She snapped at him. Slowly she took her plate over to the bars. Each step was wracked with pain but she pushed through it. When she got to the bars, she tipped her plate and the food slid through. Corporeal's tongue slurped up every bit and even licked the plate clean. He then poured his food onto her plate.

She took her food back to her bed and sat down. As disgusting as it was that he licked the plate clean, he'd been doing that so long it didn't bother her anymore. She slowly ate the food, every swallow brought pain and a slight gasp. Eventually she finished eating and laid down on the bed. Tears formed in her eyes and she wished the pain would go away. Damn the Judge to hell for putting her through this absolute bullshit! The best part was that she had no information to give him, at this point he was just doing it for fun and revenge.

The pain started to fade when she ceased moving altogether. Not moving is boring as hell though so she started to sing for the first time in months. "I miss you darlin' more and more everyday, as heaven would miss the stars above. With every heartbeat I still think of you and remember our faded love. As I think of the past and all the pleasures we had, as I watch the mating of the doves. It was in the springtime that you said goodbye. I remember our faded love." While the song had some inaccuracies most of it still held true.

"Shut up! You sound horrible!" Corporeal screamed from the other cell, covering his ears in the process to protect them from the horrid singing. Songbird's eyes narrowed, this little bitch! "My family loves my singing." "Well your family must be deaf because you sound horrible!" A new voice from farther away chimed in with, "You fucking suck!" Now hurt, Songbird quieted down and laid there in misery. Nothing would ever be like home here.

The same guard that was telling her she sucks, was now coming down to the cells with new, spring clothes for them to wear. "We got extra funds this month to buy you new clothes. Put them on now and pass me your old clothes through the bars." The guard demanded while shoving the clothes through the bars.

Corporeal having no real sense of shame, stripped butt ass naked and gave up his clothes before putting on the new ones. Corporeal's new clothes consisted of orange and black striped sweat pants and a white tank top with yellow flowers on it. Songbird's new outfit, which she hadn't put on yet, consisted of dark blue leggings with lime green polka dots and a neon pink tank top. The new clothes were actually bought from a local thrift store for dirt cheap. That way the guards could use the excess money to buy what they wanted.

"Give me your old clothes." The guard demanded, growing annoyed with that fact that Songbird hadn't taken her clothes off yet. "It hurts to move." She replied. "I swear to God if I have to go in there and change you myself your body will feel like it's went through a wood chipper!" The guard threatened. Now motivated, Songbird moved at a slow pace to go and grab her new clothes. "Well don't want me change!" She snarled at the guard who promptly turned away. Once she had changed into the absolutely atrocious outfit she gave the guard her old clothes.

He left without another word and Songbird limped back to her bed. "Does my singing really sound that bad?" She asked, her voice full of sorrow. "Yes, your family obviously lied to you when they said they love your singing. I would rather die than hear you sing again." She wanted to cry hearing this but her body had no more tears left to shed. Was her family really lying to her? She had no idea if what Corporeal was saying was true or not. What does he know anyway, he ripped his mate's throat out. Obviously he isn't the guy to ask about family related matters.

Songbird's Pov.

I was sitting in the nest reading Kinvaris the book my dad gave me when I was a kid. I read him this book everyday and everyday he loved me reading to him. In fact there was a few times I tried not reading it to him and he had an absolute meltdown about not hearing it. That's when I offered to teach him how to read but Blaze quickly shut that idea down. Something about how it's breaking the natural wolf-man law and he couldn't let his son be one of the ones to do that.

"Momma, can you help me?" Blaine asked from atop of Blaze's rock. I hadn't noticed he climbed up there and from the looks of it he had no idea about how to get down. "You stay here and keep the book opened to this page." I put the book in Kinvaris's lap and went up to the rock. As soon as I got close Blaine started making grabby hands at me. I grabbed him by the armpits and placed him on the ground. "Tank you!" He hugged my legs and rubbed his face on one leg before he scampered over to play with Shadow.

I went back to reading to Kinvaris and occasionally would look up to make sure Blaine and Shadow were playing nice. If they were to fight Blaine would hurt Shadow, Shadow's too young to fight back properly. And I didn't even want then fighting to begin with. Too many times I broke up Blaine and Kinvaris's fights only to be bitten or scratched in the process.

I finished the book and Kinvaris demanded I read it again. Luckily a grunt saved me from having to read it again because all three pups abandoned what they were doing to run up to Blaze. I took that as a chance to hide the book and I buried it in the remains of my backpack.

"Daddy! Daddy!" The twins whooped, jumping up and down. Blaze replied in something I didn't understand and the boys got even more excited. Blaze put his pants on and then had one twin under each arm. He carried them back and forth around the cave. They were giggling and clapping their hands. It looked like they were having the time of their lives.

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