7. Snowman

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A Few Weeks Later

"It's snowing again." Grouchy grumbles. Every time he talks he's either grouchy about something or demanding I give him my food.

"That's nice." I sigh, rubbing circles over the incision that's just finally healed. "You're so annoying." He growls.

What? All I did was say that's nice. That's the only thing I've said to him all day. "Alright Grouchy, I'm sick and tired of you and your constant rudeness. What crawled up your ass and died?!" I scream at him, getting right up to the bars that connect our cells.

"You remind me of my mate and I hate that. I ripped her throat out and now it's like she's back to haunt me." He yells back, looming over the bars menacingly.

"Yeah? Well you murdered her you stupid crack!" "And? You dismembered your mother and another innocent bystander!"

"Innocent bystander? That bastard was going to rape me! Besides I didn't kill either of them, Blaze did!" I can feel my eyes glowing and the rage in me building up dangerously high.

He growls something I don't catch and backs away from the bar. I glare at the bars one last time before laying down on the bed.

I'm so angry right now. I need to calm down. I take a deep breath and do my best to calm down. Look at my hands and think calm thoughts. Okay, calm thoughts. Calm thoughts.

"Corporeal! Time for your interrogation!" The Judge yells in a happy voice. A hear Grouchy snort and then I hear his door open. Calm thoughts will be much easier to think now.

"Keep walking, don't turn back and look at her!" I look up from my hands to see the bear of a man being shoved around by the Judge who has some kind of silver bottle in his hand.

What kind of interrogation is he being taken to? He goes there every night after supper. What does he know that's so important?

This is a little podunk town, the worst thing ever here was Micheal. So what exactly does Grouchy know? Maybe he just pissed off the Judge like I did.

Okay, enough of rude Grouchy. I need to think calm thoughts.


It was a few days after our snowball fight that Blaze wanted to take us to the meadow again. I was hesitant at first but Blaine and Kinvaris gave me puppy dog eyes until I gave in.

As soon as Blaze set the pups in the snow the started running hot laps around the meadow as fast as they could. While they ran Blaze shifted and got dressed.

"Songbird!" Blaze yelled excitedly. I looked from the pups to see him rolling up a ball of snow. "You are not throwing that at me!" I warned him with a shake of my fist.

"Do this instead." I made my own snowball and started rolling it in the snow. I rolled it around the boys and then up to Blaze. He looked at me in wonder.

He handed me his snowball and then pushed mine all around the meadow. That ball would be the base of the snowman and this one would be the body.

Eventually Blaze rolled the ball as big as he wanted, which was huge! My ball was maybe half of that size.

"Set this one on that one." I pointed from the smaller one to the bigger one. He lifted it with ease and spent a good while positioning it on the other one. He wanted it to be just right.

By then Blaine and Kinvaris were done with running laps and were staring at the half built snowman in wonder.

I knelt down to there level before asking, "Do you want to help Mommy and Daddy build a snowman?" The two eagerly nodded there heads.

"Each of you go get one stick so the snowman can have arms." They smiled at each other before running off. They're my precious babies.

It didn't take long for them to come back with the sticks. "Now you two need to roll this into a bigger ball." I handed them a snowball I just rolled. Blaze said something to them I didn't understand and the boys smiled at him.

The two worked together to roll the ball around. Once it was too heavy for them to push, Blaze put it on the snowman.

He picked up one boy in each arm. The boys clutched their sticks in the hands while Blaze lifted them up. He said something to them and they stuck their sticks into the sides of the snowman.

He set them back down and they clung to my legs. For whatever reason the snowman terrified them.

I tried taking a step forward, but they were heavier than I thought and I couldn't move. Blaze said something to them and they immediately let go.

I went forward and drew eyes and a smily face onto the snowman's face. I took a step back and the boys were back to clinging to my legs.

"Hey, it's okay. The snowman's not going to hurt you. He's just snow." I tried comforting them. It didn't work and they clung to my legs tighter.

Blaze must've been bothered by how the twins were acting because he knelt down and talked to them. Whatever they said must've been bad because Blaze whirled around and punched the snowman causing it to fall apart.

The boys cheered and whooped. They ran forward and started jumping on the snowman's broken body.

"Scared pups." Blaze explained while pulling me closer to his side. "That's too bad, I really liked building it with them and you."

That night Blaze wrapped the pups up tight in my blankets and then draped the bear pelt over them. I didn't understand why he was doing that until he took me to the cave mouth and carried me down.

He took me to the meadow and set me down next to the destroyed snowman. He didn't say a word and just started rolling a giant snowball.

My heart warmed when I realized why he was doing that. He was making the base of a snowman.

I quickly joined him and started rolling the middle of our snowman. By the time I stopped the catch my breath and wipe the sweat from my brow, he had the base double the size he had made the first one.

"Can you do this one too? It's getting too heavy for me to push." I asked him after he'd moved the base to where he wanted it to be. He gave me a nod and then started pushing the middle through the snow.

While he did that I went to look for stick arms. Thankfully the moon was bright that night and I could easily see to find my way through the trees.

"Blaze, I'm looking for sticks over here." I called out so he wouldn't panic if he didn't see me. He made some sort of grunt and continued rolling the ball.

Once I found the perfect sticks I came back to find the snowman assembled minus the arms. Blaze has given it a face and everything.

"Oh, it looks great!" I cheered. He gave me a bashful smile and took the sticks from me. He stuck them into its sides and then wrapped me in a hug.

"Happy?" He asked after he pulled away from the hug. "I love it." I replied before placing a kiss on his chest.

He leaned down and tilted my chin up,"Love Songbird." He leaned even closer and gave me a passionate kiss.

End of Flashback

The cell door next to me rattles and I hear a guard cursing. Grouchy growls back at the guard and the growl rattles my bed frame.

"Shut up both of you!" I shout at the idiots. "I don't want to hear any more yelling from either of you!" Their voices quiet but they continue arguing with each other.

"Child, it's your turn for interrogation." The Judge peers into my cell with a sinister grin.

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