13. Escape

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"He really did a number on your cheek didn't he?" Rhea asked, examining the three claw marks that went down the right side of Songbird's face. Songbird hissed when Rhea rubbed the disinfectant on the scratches. "Shh, you'll be fine." Rhea then put some large bandaids on them and called it a day.

"Can I stay out here with you? Do I have to go back to my cell?" Songbird asked when Rhea went to escort her back to her cell. "I can take you out after interrogation once everyone leaves." Rhea explained. "That's fine, thank you."

For once interrogation wasn't so bad. The Judge had other things on his mind and had the session be short and quick. She half expected him to rub salt in the scratches on her cheek, yet he didn't. He didn't even stay to mock Songbird and drag her back to her cell by her hair. It was weird to say the least. It was definitely a nice change of pace though.

"Are you ready to go out?" Rhea asked, swinging the keys on her finger. "What? Why does she get to leave her cell?" Corporeal demanded. "Because unlike you she asked nicely and she's not a total dick." Rhea smiled at him mockingly. Corporeal narrowed his eyes and flashed his fangs at her. "That doesn't scare me werewolf." "It should." Rhea rolled her eyes and let Songbird out of her cell.

The two walked together, snickering about the grouchy man. When they got to the officer's lounge, Rhea had Songbird sit on a folding chair. Songbird took the chair and drug it as close as she could to the window. As she did that Rhea turned the tv on and flicked through different channels. Songbird paid her no mind and instead stared listlessly out the window.

A particular star caught her attention and she focused on it and it alone. "Aren't you a pretty star?" She whisper cooed to it. The star seemed to shine brighter at her compliment. She whispered more simple compliments to the star and it shined with each one. "Can you do me a favor?" She asked it. The star didn't give any indication of hearing her but Rhea sure did. She turned the tv volume down and turned her head to better listen to what Songbird was going to say. "Can you watch over my family for me? Please keep them safe." Nothing interesting Rhea decided, turning the volume back up on her tv.

After about thirty minutes Rhea had to take Songbird back to her cell. It's lucky that she did it then because not even five minutes later, the two male guards came in with a new prisoner. They threw him in Corporeal's cell and the new prisoner scrambled to his feet. The urge to kill this man was strong in Corporeal. He had to take deep breaths to calm himself. Killing this man would be detrimental to the escape plan. This man was going to be the bait, the annoying female the distraction, and he the escapee.

Corporeal gave the man his best smile which looked more like a grimace. "The bed's mine, you can sleep on the floor." Why would he give the man a smile only to give him bad news?

The Next Day

"Sorry not sorry." Corporeal said as he bashed the man's head against the bed frame. He felt no shame or remorse for severely injuring the man, he had to be hurt for the plan to work. "Guard help! The new guy is hurt!" Corporeal yelled in his best worried voice. Today was Rhea's day off so it was some shmuck that answered Corporeal's call. Not even thinking twice, the shmuck unlocked the cell door and went in to help the new guy. Corporeal came up behind the shmuck and clawed his throat out. "You served your purpose." He whispered to the dying man on the floor before he gave him the final head bashing that ended his misery.

Step one of the plan was done. Time for step two.

Now free of his cage, Corporeal shifted into his beast form. In this form he has more than enough strength to bend the bars of Songbird's cell. She watched in fear and awe as he bent the bars enough to free her. Why would he free her? He made some sort of growl and hand motion, clearly wanting her to leave her cell. "Don't you dare try to kill me Grouchy!" She threatened him. He inwardly laughed, he wouldn't be killing her that would be one of the other guards.

Corporeal grabbed Songbird by the shoulder and drug her through the jail. Surprisingly there was no other guards or maybe that wasn't a surprise. Rhea always worked alone that must be what the dead guard did too. Corporeal was looking forward to seeing the guards ravage Songbird and now he was heavily disappointed that that wouldn't happen.

He drug her more forcefully now and when they got to the door, he kicked it down and threw her out. She fell to the ground and whimpered in pain. Being free of his cell, being free of fear of the Judge, having no one to stop him, those things sent Corporeal into a sort of high. He growled at Songbird and started to stalk towards her with the intent of ripping her throat out with his teeth.

She hurried to her feet and started to run from the vicious the monster who wanted to spill her blood

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She hurried to her feet and started to run from the vicious the monster who wanted to spill her blood. Having not moved a whole lot since before she was locked up, this much movement sent much pain through Songbird's legs. She tripped when she got to the tree line and Corporeal descended upon her. He tore into her soft body with his claws. He didn't tear in deep enough to immediately kill her, he wanted to hear her scream in pain for awhile before he ended her miserable excuse for a life.

He never got to his wanted part(s) and instead was scared away by something that Songbird couldn't see. He scurried away from her like a kicked dog and disappeared into the night. She in turn put her hands on the wound on her right side and found that it was only a flesh wound on her upper ribs. She would be fine, it wasn't even a deep wound just a wound that bled a lot. In an attempt to stop the bleeding she took her shirt off and tied it around her upper torso. This applied pressure in hopes that it would stop the bleeding.

The blood loss wasn't great but it was enough that it left her stumbling as she made her way through the dark of the night. She chose to go in the opposite direction of where she assumed Corporeal went. Her stumbling quickly caused her to get lost in the labyrinth of trees and darkness. Had she had the senses of her wolf-man mate, she would've easily been able to make her way without getting lost.

 Had she had the senses of her wolf-man mate, she would've easily been able to make her way without getting lost

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At Dawn

Sleeping on the hard forest floor was definitely in the top five worst things to ever happen to Songbird. She didn't complain though and was instead more interested in complaining about the pain coming from the rib wounds. She untied her shirt and found that the wound had stopped bleeding. She retied the shirt and stood up. It didn't matter that it hurt, she had to keep moving and get as far away from Corporeal as she could get.

A piece of her was driven to prove to that blasted monster that she wasn't weak, that she did in fact have something to live for. That live for was what was giving her strength to push through the pain and to keep going no matter what.

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