15. Bonding and Revenge

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Blaze gently laid Songbird in the nest and the boys gathered around the nest's edge to watch her. "Blaine, go get my leggings and a pair of jeans. I assume they're down the storage passage. Actually Kinvaris go with him and get the leggings wet." The boys ran off at Songbird's instructions. Shadow looked at her with a quivering lip, he didn't want to lose her again.

"It's okay Shadow. I'm going to be okay, they're just some scratches." She reassured him. "Hurt?" Blaze asked. "A little bit. The Judge hurt me a lot so I guess I'm sort of used to pain now. This should hurt way more." Hearing that she was hurt often made Blaze wild with rage. He wanted to go out and kill the Judge but he knew now was not the time. Right now he needed to be here for his mate.

It didn't take long for the twins to do as they were told and return with the clothes. "Here Blaze, rip this down the middle." She handed him the jeans and he tore them so the legs were no longer together. "Thank you Kinvaris." She beamed at the boy when she took the leggings from him. She used the wet leggings to carefully wash the blood away. She didn't dare touch the open wound just the bloody skin around it. She couldn't help but smile once the wound was cleaned and wrapped with the jean leg. "See? I told you I'd be okay." She told them.

Even with the reassurance that she was okay, none of them dared to go into the nest. It was almost as if they were afraid this wasn't real and was instead a dream. Which was a fair fear because they couldn't smell her. She strangely had no scent other than Corporeal's and that obviously bothered them to no end. (The reason she had no smell was due to all of the wolfsbane she ingested when she ate Corporeal's food.)

Dad, why can't we smell Momma?

I don't know.

I don't like it! She doesn't smell like herself and smells like someone else.

I'll fix that.

Knowing of his mate's dislike of nudity, Blaze put on his pair of pants before clambering into the nest and sitting with his back to the wall. He then beckoned for Songbird to sit between his legs with her back to his chest. She did as instructed and thoroughly enjoyed the feel of being back in her lover's arms. Being in his arms made her feel like nothing had changed and that she'd never been locked away for years.

Of course she had to readjust slightly so the rock below the nest didn't dig into her butt so harshly. That slight adjustment gave Blaze the exact angle he wanted and he rubbed his cheek against hers. He was basically acting like a cat rubbing up on her.

Blaze's Pov.

My mate is back and I couldn't be happier. I never thought I would see her again and here she is back in my arms. (I'm worried about her though because whatever she went through has left deep wounds.)

"Stop it Blaze! That tickles!" She laughs when I rub my cheek on hers. I don't listen and continue. "I'm serious Blaze, stop it." She says in a serious voice that I've never heard before. I stop and look at her curiously. She's never rejected a scenting before. Maybe that male I can smell on her did something awful to her. That thought makes me mad.

"I'm sorry." I whine. "It's okay, I just don't like the feeling of your beard tickling my scratches." She replies. Scratches? Oh, now I remember the ugly gashes on her face.

I would give her a bath but that wouldn't be the right thing to do right now. She's hurt and tired; a simple hug and kiss will be enough of a scenting while she's like this. When she's healed I'll give her a real bath.

While I hug her tighter the pups are watching with cautious eyes. Come in the nest. I tell them in hopes they won't look so suspicious of Songbird. No, Momma doesn't smell right. I want to force them into the nest but I decide not to and instead have them go put on pants. I don't know why Songbird doesn't like us being naked but I want her to feel comfortable around us.

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