10. Moving On

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Narrator's Pov.

As the days turned into years (three to be exact) Shadow stopped crying for his Momma whenever he got hurt and the twins stopped bringing her up all together. It was as if they had forgotten her whole existence and it drove Blaze mad. It drove him even more mad when her blankets, clothes, and bear hide lost her smell. Her scent had been erased from the cave just like how it was erased from their pups' minds.

Most nights to cope, Blaze would go on a walk through the meadow. He would sit by Songbird's grave marker and talk to her for hours before he would get so tired he needed to go to sleep. It made him feel better to be out there and talk to her. Her star would twinkle and shine as she listened to him and that always made him smile.

🎶 I go out walkin' after midnight, out in the moonlight just like we used to do. I'm always walkin' after midnight searching for you. 🎶

Blaze walked slow laps around the meadow one night, telling Songbird about how distraught he was over their pups no longer bringing her up. He finally came to the conclusion that they had moved on from her death. He couldn't believe that, she hadn't even been gone that long and they'd moved on. Which he soon realized was probably for the best. His pups being sad wasn't good and them being happy was. Maybe that meant it was time for him to move on too and start teaching them to be proper wolf-men.

🎶 I go out walkin' after midnight, out in the moonlight just hoping you may be somewhere a-walkin' after midnight searchin' for me. 🎶

Moving on was probably one of the most agonizing things Blaze ever had to do. As his pups slept, he packed up all of Songbird's things and put them in the storage passage to collect dust. It felt wrong to do this, like he was admitting she really was dead and gone. It made him cry to carry all of her things in there to be put with the rest of the family history that hadn't been touched since it was put there.

When he crawled into the nest, he woke up Blaine. Dad, what's wrong? The pup was worried about Blaze's crying. (Being older now, the pups no longer call Blaze Daddy.) I'm sad. Blaze admitted, though he wasn't going to tell Blaine why. Blaine didn't say anything and hugged Blaze. He made Blaze smile through his tears and he hugged his oldest son. I love you Dad.

I love you too.

One Week Later

During the midmorning, the guards took each prisoner out in the courtyard individually. During this time they were left in the fenced in area unsupervised and could do whatever they wanted. Most days Songbird sat on the bolted to the cement bench and watched the various small animals move through the trees. Today though, she had some visitors.

A woman who was quite a few years older than Songbird came up to her carrying a bag of chocolates, though Songbird didn't know what was in the bag. "I brought these here as a thank you for saving my sister." The woman stuck each chocolate through the fence. Songbird took them and eagerly ate them. These were way better than the expired chocolate the guards gave them for Christmas. "Thank you. I haven't had good chocolate in years." "No thank you, my sister can live without fear of Micheal now."

Other women and even men came over the course of the spring and summer bringing Songbird little gifts like candy and occasionally a drink that wasn't plain old water. She greatly appreciated their kindness and even shared some of the candy with Corporeal when he wasn't being a big grouch.

Having not eaten wolfsbane laced food in almost three years, Corporeal was regaining his strength of old. Soon he would be strong enough to bend the bars of his cell even though their silverness would greatly burn his hands. It made him excited to think about being back in the wild being able to whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, wherever he wanted. He couldn't wait to be free and to be away from his annoying neighbor. Even though she hardly ever started a conversation with him, just seeing her reminded him of his dead mate and he did not want to deal with that anymore.

The most annoying thing about her at the moment was the incessant buzzing coming from her cell. It hurt his ears and drove him wild. "Ahhhhh!" She groaned. The buzzing stopped and a man's voice murmured something. "Is this to your liking?" He asked, handing her a mirror so she could see at least a sliver of her new tattoo. The tattoo was on the back of her right shoulder nowhere near her mark. She couldn't quite get the angle to see the whole tattoo, but from what she could see she liked.

(If I said specifics which side the flower tattoo and mark are on, they've been changed to flower on left and mark on right.)

The butterflies were for her children

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The butterflies were for her children. The lone one was Shadow and the lower two were the twins. She absolutely loved the tattoo and gave the artist a thank you hug. "Is there any other tattoo you would like?" He asked. "No." As the artist was leaving he noticed all of the "tattoos" on Corporeal. "Those are amazing. You had one hell of an artist do them, there's so many details!" The artist commented, stopping to admire all of Corporeal's markings. "Go away!" Corporeal growled at his unwanted company. The artist left without another word.

"How was that?" The female guard who had now dyed her hair pink asked. "I like it, thank you for letting him in." Songbird genuinely thanked her. "You're welcome." The guard gave her a faint smile before turning the radio on. "Anything specific today?" She was the only guard who would do nice things for the inmates. "Not that loud screaming stuff!" Corporeal demanded. "Country is much quieter, I'll turn that on." They caught the tail end of an old Tammy Wynette song.

🎶And honey, I miss you too. And I know you're being good. And I'd love to be with you if only I could.🎶

Hearing that song sparked a feeling of sadness which seemed to be all that Songbird could feel. Corporeal didn't even have to see her to know she was going to cry and honestly he was sick and tired hearing it. "I swear, if you start to cry and whine about missing your family-" Corporeal didn't even need to finish the threat because Songbird had started to hum along with the song.

🎶And it was in the early spring when flowers bloom and robins sing, I went away.🎶

Songbird deeply understood and even emphasized with this part of the song. She knew what it was like to leave in the early spring and terribly miss your loved ones.

🎶One day when you were not at home, while I was there and all alone the angels came. Guess you thought it strange of me to leave the way I did that day, it was a shame.🎶

Corporeal started to shake in rage, the humming of his cellmate was almost as bad as her horrid singing and he wanted to rip her throat out. How he wished he could do so and taste her blood and know the awful noises would stop.

🎶But now your laughter's just begun and even though you miss me hon', you must go on. And when the snow cloud passes overhead and cries down on the flowerbed, you'll know you're not alone.🎶

"Please guard! Please come back and change the radio! I can't stand her and this music!" The female guard smirked, this was the first time Corporeal ever begged for mercy. And of course since he had always been such a dick, she wasn't going to give him mercy and instead was going to toy with him. She walked up to the radio and started to fiddle with it. Corporeal whooped for joy when the station was changed. Of course is a few clicks it was changed to a different country station and the sound was turned up. He howled in misery as Songbird started to hum along with the next song.

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