2. Loved

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Eventually laughing and crying wears them all out, including Miguel. I'm tired, but I can't bring myself to sleep. I cried so much there's a lump in my throat and it feels terrible.

Even with the lump, I feel the need to talk to her.

I walk to the cave mouth and sit down. Instead of staring at the land below I look up to the night sky.

The stars above twinkle and shine against the black sky. One star stands out more than the others, that must be Songbird.

Taking a deep breath I change forms and feel the cold against my bare skin.

Songbird, I don't know if you can hear me or not because of this lump in my throat I can't talk very loud. But I've got to tell you about our pups' tonight. If you could've heard it my mate, you would've been so proud. I smile up at her star and it twinkles in response. That must mean she can understand me!

I tell her all about what our pups said and did. She shines and twinkles at certain points and that's how I know she's listening.

So Songbird you go on ahead but you walk slow and someday when you turn around I'll be there. But it'll be awhile because I'm gonna spend these next years being there for our pups. She shines even brighter when I say that.

I love her so much.

I'm going to sleep now my mate. I'll talk to you again tomorrow. I take a deep breath as I change back and go into the cave.

Narrator's Pov.

While Blaze was finally going to get his much needed sleep, something dangerous was stalking around the woods nearby. The dangerous, sick wolf-man put his nose to the air, he could smell the delicious scent of pups that needed to die.

He couldn't wait to sink his teeth into the pups. He wanted to rip them apart, so much blood everywhere. He wished he could've done that to their mother, but she scared him away with her roar. Now you see, this monster preyed on the weak. Anything weaker than him was going to die slowly. That's why he targeted females and pups, they were easy to kill and couldn't fight back.

He stood below the cave mouth and eyed it. When he blinked he could see her falling and her body breaking upon impact. He blinked again and the image was gone. The memory gone, he licked is lips in anticipation. Come dawn when pup's father went out to hunt, he would go in and leave a bloody mess for their father to find.

Sunset the Next Day

The monster was pissed beyond belief. Blaze never left the den. Not once. The sickness in the monster's brain, gave him a brilliant idea. He would draw Blaze out and then go into the cave and kill the pups.

The monster stood in the clearing and looked around, remembering how things used to be.
He tensed his muscles and let out a sickly howl. Blaze's ears immediately perked and his lips pulled back to flash his teeth in warning.

He's here Blaze.

I know. I'm going to kill him for what he did to my mate! An avengeful look shined in Blaze's eyes.

Before Blaze descended, he gave each of his pups a hug and told them he loved them "Daddy, please don't leave us like Mommy did." Kinvaris whined as his little human fingers pulled on Blaze's fur with worry.

I won't. I will be back.

Kinvaris let go of Blaze's fur and watched as Blaze left. Miguel could tell the pups were worried. To remedy this, he wrapped them in Songbird's blankets.

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