5. Rocks

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Six Months Later
Blaze's Pov.

I watch with a smile as Blaine and Kinvaris play fight across the cave floor. I'm so distracted watching them play I forget to keep at eye on Shadow.

"Momma!" Shadow suddenly wails. I turn my head to see Shadow sitting on his butt crying in front of one of the rocks that come up from the floor. He must've ran into it.

It breaks my heart to hear him cry, especially for Songbird. I go over to him and scoop him into my arms.

Where does it hurt? I ask him. He looks up at me with big teary eyes and taps his forehead. I lean down and place a kiss on his forehead. He immediately stops crying and wipes his eyes. Does that feel better? He nods his head.

I set him down and he toddles off to the nest. He grabs a blanket with his little hands and tries to wrap it around himself. It's too big for him to successfully do it without help.

Before I can go over to help him, Blaine and Kinvaris walk up to him. Kinvaris untangles Shadow and then the twins work together to wrap him in it.

Tank you! He tells his brothers. The twins go back to play fighting and this time I keep an eye on them and Shadow.

Daddy? Blaine stops play fighting and walks up to the front of my rock. Yes? He looks up at me with big eyes and Kinvaris joins him in giving me that look.

Are you going to get us a new Momma? I look at him as if he's gone crazy. A NEW MOMMA? Replace my beloved Songbird? Have another female raise my pups? Break the natural law and take another?

No, I don't want another. Your Momma was the only female for me. She was the love of my life. But with love comes loss pups, it's part of the deal. It hurts, but in the end it's all worth it.

They look at each other with confusion before looking back up at me. Why? This is something Songbird would be better at explaining than me. How do I say this?

There's nothing greater than love. Even though it hurts that Momma is gone, it was worth having her love and loving her. I hope that makes sense. They're so young and I'm not good at explaining feelings.

I love Momma too. Kinvaris grins. I love Momma more! Blaine puffs his chest up. No, I do!

The pups argue like this a little while longer before it becomes a fight. I don't stop them though and just let them fight it out. This is good for them.

Daddy! Shadow yells. I get off my rock and maneuver around the fighting twins. I go up to the nest and can't stop the smile from spreading across my face.

Shadow is absolutely adorable wrapped up in Songbird's blanket. Sleep. He says. Ever since she's been gone Shadow demands I be with him when he goes to sleep. Songbird always would be with him when he slept and now I am taking her role.

Blaine, Kinvaris, it's time to sleep.

They stop their play fighting and slowly come up to the nest. They're panting and slightly bleeding, but they look so happy. Their wounds will heal overnight so they're nothing to be worried about.

They don't wrap up in a blanket, instead they lay on top of it. Once the three of them are asleep, I want to go to the meadow and make Songbird a grave. Even though I don't have her body I'm still going to make her a grave. My beloved mate deserves that much.

Shadow falls asleep first and the twins soon follow. When I leave the nest I hear Shadow start to whimper. I rest my hand on his shoulder and his whimpers stop. "Momma." His lips curl up a bit and I know he's dreaming of happier times.

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