Chapter 25: Official

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Atlas Pov

I can't believe she is finally officially mine. She is now my girlfriend. I mean she was mine before when we were going on dates and kissing but now it is official.

She is laying on my chest at the moment with her arms wrapped around me and her leg tangled in mine, one leg was laying above my waist. 

As she slept her face held a little pout and he nose was scrunched a bit. Her hair was sprawled out everywhere and kept getting in my face when we slept causing me to wake up. 

She is so fucking beautiful and I can't believe I am dating her now. I can't help but smile in admiration as I watch her sleep. 

The door opened bringing my attention to it and Oliver walked into the room. "Did you pop the question?" Oliver asked as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah," I say leaning my head back on the pillow and bringing my hand and dragging my fingers through her hair. 

"What did she say?" He asked.

"She said yes," I say with a lopsided grin.

"Cool, wake her up 'cause we are gonna go swimming today," Oliver said while getting up and slapping my arm quietly. I glare at him as he leaves the room with a smirk on her face.

I let out a sigh before bringing my lips to her forehead. "Ivy, wake up," I whisper gently. 

She lets out a groan and shoved her fave deeper into my chest. 

"Ivy darling, your brother wants to go swimming," I say softly while moving the hair out of her face.

"I can't even swim." She mumbles, her words vibrating against my chest.

"I will teach you," I tell her.

"ugh, I don't want to get up." She squeezes me tighter, "You're so comfy." 

"I know love but I need to get up to go to the bathroom and we need to get ready." I have been needing to pee for about of hour and have been holding it in because I didn't want to wake her. 

"Okay," She lets out a loud sigh.

She moves off of me and laid on her back dramatically pouty and looking up at the ceilings. I kiss her forehead before moving off the bed and walking to the bathroom. I do my business and washed my hands while also brushing my teeth.

I leave the bathroom once I was done and went back to the room to see Ivy now laying on the floor.

"How did you get down there?" I comment, pinching my eyebrows together.

"I went to grab my phone and somehow it ended up on the floor so I tried to get it off the bed and then I fell." She explains, her voice a little muffled since she is face down on the floor. 

"Why are you still down there?" I ask her.

"My legs are broken."She groans turning onto her side and glaring at me. 

"I didn't go that hard," I argue but she continues to glare at me.

I grab her hand and help pull her up while also grabbing her phone and handing it to her. "Pick my bathing suit." She says crossing her arms and sitting on the bed. 

"Okay." I shrug while walking to her messy closet and fishing out a beige brown two-piece. I throw the pieces of clothing at her which she grabs and begins stripping out of her clothes right there.

As she removes her shit purple bruises scatter her skin everywhere from her thighs to her neck. I smile but covered it with my fist as she noticed the hickies and glared at me.

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