|𝟮|~𝗗𝗲𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 ∙

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"Why did I agree to this again?!" I scream as me and Jim speed through the air. I stand behind him, clutching onto his shirt as the cold air hits my face.

"Because it's fun!!" Jim shouts, his voice barely audible over the howling wind. He glances back to try and make eye contact, but my face is buried into his back as my eyes shut tight.

"Oh come on!! Live a little!" He says, trying to pry my hands away so he could get a good look at my face.

"I'd rather start "living a little" on the ground thank you very much!" I argue. He ignores my remark and tilts the board, beginning to fly upwards.

"Jim I swear—!" My sentence is cut short as Jim grabs me by my collar and brings me to the front of the board, he bends his knees slightly, his grip on my waist strong so I don't fall off.

"YA-HOOO!!" Jim hollers as we start spinning in the air, even going upside down for a few seconds. The look on his face makes a wide grin break out onto my own, my muscles loosen and I open my mouth to yell with him.


We approach the ground at a rapid speed, neither of us caring. Jim stands straight and opens the mast quickly, we jerk upright, just inches from the ground and continue forward, both of us laughing and smiling at eachother.

We both notice a sign, big bold letters displaying the words "𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥". I look up at Jim and he looks down at me, he smirks, "Let's go!" He yells at me, making me jerk my face away from how loud he was.

We pass right through the sign, yellow splinters go flying due to the speed. "Jim we cant be here, you already have a record!" I try to reason with him, but he's already to far gone.

An alarm goes off, the walls of the canyon echo, seemingly mocking the both of us. "I knew it" I say in a hushed voice. I look ahead and see a big set of propellers.

"That's it let me off!" I quickly yell at Jim, trying to get out of his hold. "You wouldn't be here if you didn't want an adventure" Jim suddenly speaks up, catching me off guard.

He lowers his head so his mouth is next to me ear. "Who better to give it to you than me." It was more a statement than a question.

I feel my face begin to feel warm, I put one hand on my cheek to try and steady myself. "Alright" I say quietly, but he hears me.

His devious smirk is back and I roll my eyes, the embarrassment from a few seconds ago leaving as quickly as it came.

"Come on!" He grunts out as the board speeds at full throttle towards the dangerously large propellers. Jim bends down, bring me with him, he drops the mass as we shoot straight between the propellers, not a scratch on us.

✔ 𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 || 𝙹. 𝙷𝙰𝚆𝙺𝙸𝙽𝚂Where stories live. Discover now