|𝟭𝟵|~𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗽 ∙

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The group all pass through the portal, their eyes wide and jaws slack. An alien yells in excitement and runs towards the mountains of gold, the rest quickly following.

Jim, (Y/N), Silver and BEN remain standing, taking it all in. "The loot of a thousand worlds..." Silver breathes out, looking around in awe.

The room was filled to the brim with gold, jewels and golden centerpieces scattered around. "We're gonna need a bigger boat!" An alien calls out jokingly, the rest laughing along. They begin to dig into the treasure, filling their pockets and hats with as much as they could carry.

Silver takes a few steps forward, not once taking his eyes off of the riches. Jim and (Y/N) glance at eachother in worry, but BEN catches their attention.

"This is..all seeming very familiar," the robot mumbles, tapping his chin. (Y/N) looks to her left, noticing a rather large ship filled with gold, she nudges Jim gently and gestures towards it.

"I can't remember why..." Ben continues, but
the two ignore him. "Ben, come on," Jim whispers, pushing BEN towards the ship. Morph quietly coos from behind (Y/N) 
as they all make their way towards the boat. "We're getting out of here..and we're not leaving empty-handed."

The two ignore BEN as he whispers in protest. "Bu-but Jimmy! (Y/N)!"


Silver falls to his knees, gently reaching down and taking two handfuls of gold. He watches as it slides out of his hands with a wide smile. "A lifetime of treasure searching.." he whispers, his eyes welling up with tears. "..and at long last.." he puts a hand on the ground, running it through the gold. "..I can touch it.."


"You know what's strange?" BEN questions as Jim hoists (Y/N) onto the ship, following after. "I can't tell you two how frustrating this us, (Y/N), Jimmy." He continues, Jim leaning over to help BEN onboard. "Cause there's something just-" Jim pulls him up, leaving to (Y/N)'s side. "It's nagging at the back of my mind!"

Ben dramatically squeals and flops onto the deck, flat on his stomach, (Y/N) snickers at the action, shaking her head. Jim gasps, both
(Y/N) and BEN look over, their eyes widening at the site infront of them. "Captain Flint..?" (Y/N) breathes out, staring at the large alien skeleton infront of her.

"In the flesh!" BEN beams,"Well.." he stammers, looking down. "S-sort of, except for skin..organs...or anything that-that resembles flesh that's not there." He continues to ramble, but neither Jim or (Y/N) pay attention as they walk towards the skeleton.

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