|𝟭𝟲|~𝗥𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻 ∙

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It took the group a good deal of effort to help Amelia back to BEN's home. Half way through Delbert decided to carry her, despite her protests. The sun had made its way to the edge of the mountains, the sky now having a orange tint.

"Pardon the mess..people." BEN apologizes, moving around tea sets and books. "You'd think after a hundred years I would have dusted a little more often.." he says with a nervous chuckle. "But you know.." he tries to reason, "..when your batchin it, you tend to..uh.." he trails off, "..let things go."

Delbert disregards the robot and walks in, Amelia still in his arms. (Y/N) makes her way inside, turning around and stretching a hand, she helps Jim jump down. BEN turns around and stares with soft eyes.

"Aw how sweet!" He gestures towards Delbert and Amelia, "I find old fashioned romance so touching.." he turns towards Jim, "..don't you?" He asks the boy, raising a brow and pointing towards (Y/N).

Jim blushes, glaring at the robot before making his way around the room, silently taking everything in. Delbert sets the Captain down, leaning against a rock. Amelia looks to him in thanks before groaning, grabbing her side. As the dog attended to the wounded feline, BEN makes his way towards the center of the room.

"How about drinks for the happy couple?" He says cheerfully, carrying a tray with two mugs filled with burning acid and other indescribable parts. Delbert looks at the mugs and grimaces, backing away slowly. "Oh no no..uh.." he stammers, "..we don't drink." A soft blush blooms across his face, turning his head down he mumbles, "And we're not a couple."

"Your not?!" Jim suddenly asks, all eyes on him. He shakes his head and chuckles, rubbing his neck bashfully. "I didn't...uh..nevermind!" He grumbles, walking towards a smug looking (Y/N).

He pulls out 20 coins and shoves them into her hands, (Y/N) chuckling and shaking her head. "Hey.." she softly calls, Jim turning towards her with a raised brow. She hands him 10 coins and places the rest in her pocket.

"I mean.." she starts, "..they do look like their in love soooo.." Jim rolls his eyes with a laugh and shoves the coins into his own. "Thanks for being so generous." He teases, bending down slightly to look at (Y/N).

She laughs before cupping his cheek gently, her thumb rubbing small circles against his skin. Both teens smile at eachother and begin to slowly lean forward.

"Look at these markings!" Delbert's voice suddenly calls out, breaking the two teens apart. Jim mumbles a few curses while (Y/N) shakes her head, and begins to walk towards the Doctor, Jim reluctantly following.

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