|𝟭𝟮|~𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗮 ∙

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It had only been about 2 hours since Jim and (Y/N) made their way to bed. Everyone in the ship asleep..well all except a certain (H/C) girl. (Y/N) slowly makes her way out of her hammock, making sure not to bump against any of the sleeping aliens.

She carefully plants her feet against the wooden floor, gets up, and makes her way across the room. She tiptoes towards Jim's hammock, which unfortunately was placed directly under the Flatula alien. (Y/N) bends down and moves the alien's tentacles out of the way, but what she sees makes her snort.

Jim was lying down on his side, his knees curled up and pulled to his stomach. His eyes are open wide and his arms are wrapped around his head. When his eyes catch site of his best friend, he breaths a sigh of relief, reaching his hand up for her to take. (Y/N) grabs hold of it and pulls him up, careful not to make any noise.

Without a word, both teens made their way up the stairs and onto the main deck. The night was silent, and the ship kept a steady course through the sky. (Y/N) grabs Jim's hand and pulls him towards the front of the ship. "Sooo.." Jim drawls out, his eyes never leaving (Y/N). "Why have you decided to kidnap me? I was having the best dream!" He says playfully, placing one hand on his chest dramatically.

(Y/N) laughs. "Oh do forgive me!" She plays along, pulling both her hands together. "I shall return you to your ever so grand room to continue this dream!" She sighs, grabbing his arm and pretending to pull him back towards the deck. Jim pulls her back, wrapping her in a hug and placing his chin atop her head. "Alright, alright.." he says. "Why did you bring me out here?"

(Y/N) looks up at him and smirks, her hair slightly covering her eyes. Jim blushes at the sight, but pushes it down. "Welll..." she trails off, her smirk becoming wider by the second. "I wanted to.." she continues slowly, inching her face closer to Jim's, not breaking eye contact. "Tell you something." She finally says, her voice above a whisper. Jim feels the blood rushing to his head, suddenly becoming dizzy.

He nods his head, averting his eyes to (Y/N)'s lips. "Go ahead.." he whispers back, inching closer to her with every breath. But before Jim could close the gap, (Y/N) pulls her head back. "Did you know you remind me of Perseus?"she suddenly says, causing Jim to reel his head back. "I-I'm sorry?"

"Perseus." She says once more. "You know, Andromeda and Perseus?" She asks, tilting her head to the side. Jim squints his eyes and furrows his brow, not quite understanding what she was getting at. "You mean that guy that cut off some monsters head and married that one girl?" He tries to clarify, (Y/N) tilts her head back and laughs, her arms still wrapped around Jim's shoulders.

"Well your not wrong.." she says. "But that "one girl" was Andromeda, daughter of Cassiopeia." (Y/N) finally says, Jim nodding his head slowly. He frowns, turning his head down to meet her eyes. "Why are you telling me this?" He asks, still very confused. (Y/N) detaches herself from him and goes to the railing of the ship, leaning against her elbows.

"Well, Perseus killed the Behemoth, married Andromeda and loved her till his dying day.." she says fondly, a small smile on her face. Jim's eyes widen a bit, making his way next to her and leaning against the railing. He nods, silently asking her to continue. "When they both died, they were laid to rest in the stars, and they remain there to this day, and continue to love eachother."

(Y/N) sighs before turning to her best friend. Jim looks o the sky before facing her. "Why do I remind you of Perseus?" He silently asks, bending his head down to get closer to her.
(Y/N) ignores her racing heart and swallows harshly. "Your always so protective of me.." she starts, avoiding his gaze. "Your never afraid to speak your mind, you fight for what you believe in.." she continues, finally looking up at him.

"And your in love with me.."

Jim stares at her, wide eyed. His cheeks feel like their on fire, his head suddenly running with thoughts. He tries to speak but stops, realizing no words would come out. "Unless I'm wrong and I just made a complete fool of myself.." (Y/N) tries to reason, waving her arms in the air and begins to sputter out an apology, backing away from Jim.

She's cut off by her wrists being grabbed. She looks up, a heavy blush in her face. Jim stares at her, his body shaking slightly as he brings her hands down and grips them, his face completely red. "I-" he tries, swallowing the lump in his throat before speaking again. "Your not w-wrong.." he mumbles, his voice wavering. "I've never done t-this kind of t-thing before.." he continues, taking small steps towards (Y/N).

She dosnet back away, a gentle smile forming in her face. "I would be lying if I said I didn't feel the same.." she whispers, taking a big step forward, their faces only inches apart. Jim looks towards her, a relieved smile slowly forming in his face. "So where does that leave us?" He asks quietly, his grip on (Y/N)'s hand becoming tighter by the minute. (Y/N) rests her forehead on Jim's, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath.

"Jim, I really like you." She says, causing the boy to smile wide, a laugh escaping his lips.
"I just don't want to rush into things." She opens her eyes, searching Jim's face for any sign of disappointment, to her relief, there wasnet any. "Of course." Jim says, the gentle smile never leaving. (Y/N) smiles, tugging his hand. "Thank you, now let's get you back to that amazing dream!" Jim laughs, but dosnet protest as they both make their way back to bed.


When they make their way back to their designated bedroom, neither are surprised to see that Jim's hammock covered in mucus. Most likely from the snoring Flatula. "Gross.." Jim mumbles, averting his eyes and turning towards (Y/N). "Would you mind if.." he trails off, making sure she got the hint. (Y/N) smiles at the nervous boy. "Wouldn't be the first time." She says, making her way towards her own hammock.

Jim smiles and follows, watching as the she climbs in and gets settled. He slowly follows after, shifting slightly and getting comfortable. "How convenient.." (Y/N) says, causing Jim to look down at her. "I mean that we confessed to eachother...well more like I figured out your feelings and you confirmed them." She says with a laugh, Jim snickering and wrapping an arm around here, pulling her flushed against him. "..shut up." He grumbles.

(Y/N) smiles, deciding to not say anymore, she wraps one arm around Jim's waist while the other supports her head. "Hey Jim.." she finally says after a moment. Jim hums, sleep slowly taking over. "I love you." Jim opens one eye to peak at his friend (girlfriend?) before laughing lowly. He closes his eyes, burying his head into her neck and sighing, finally falling into a deep sleep.

"I love you too.."


✔ 𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 || 𝙹. 𝙷𝙰𝚆𝙺𝙸𝙽𝚂Where stories live. Discover now