|𝟴|~𝗠𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘆 ∙

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After checking up on Jim and (Y/N) one last time, Silver makes his way down to the gallery, his hat tilted slightly, covering his eyes. The crew were all gathered below, chatting and murmuring amongst one another.

The aliens quiet down once noticing the cyborg. They watch him carefully as he makes his way towards a table, standing behind it. He looks up, a wide smile on his face. "So.." he starts, looking around the room. "..we're all here then."

And alien brushes past him, giving a quick apology before taking a seat. Silver looks towards the crowd of aliens, all slowly relaxing and smiling back at him. "Fine.." he starts again, "..now if you pardon my plain speaking gentleman." He continues, pacing around the table slowly. "Are you all.." he stops for a moment, lifting his head up and glaring dangerously at the crew.

"STARK-RAVIN TOTALLY BLINKING DAFT?!" Silver yells with all his might, his arm becoming a sword and he brings it down on the crew, swinging at their heads. They all
miss the tip of the sword by seconds, cowering away from the angry man.

"After all me finagling gettin us hired as an upstanding crew..!" He yells, turning his arm back to normal and placing them on the table. "You want to blow the whole mutiny before it's time?!" His question was more of a demand, he turns to Scroop, glaring at the spider, who in turn rolls his eyes.

"Those two rats were sniffin' about.." Scroop trails off, trying to reason with his Captain. Silver walks closer to him, their faces inches apart. "You just stick to the plan, you
bug-brained twit!" He yells, "You nearly broke the girls neck!"

Scroop raises a brow at Silver's last remark, about to question him, but decides against it remembering how his Captain nearly snapped off his pincer. He gently grabs his pincer with the other, backing away. "..Aye Cap'n." Silver looks to Scroop one last time before facing the rest of his crew.

"As for those two..I'll run em so ragged they won't have time to think." He states, a wide grin pressing on his lips. The crew nods, and they continue their meeting, discussing their next move.
Back on deck

Jim continues to mop, sighing every few minutes. He turns his head slightly towards
(Y/N), watching as she scrubbed the railings of the ship as she hummed a tune. He takes a step forward, wanting to ask her to ditch cleaning with him.

Before he could walk to her, a small pink blob flies infront of him, blocking his view. Morph chitters continuously, flying around Jim's head, who tries to swat at him. "What??" Jim demands, trying to make his way around the creature and reach his friend.

✔ 𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 || 𝙹. 𝙷𝙰𝚆𝙺𝙸𝙽𝚂Where stories live. Discover now