|𝟭𝟳|~𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗽 ∙

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The group made their way towards the trap door, trying to stay quiet as they tip toed around the sleeping aliens. Morph chitters softly, flying closer to (Y/N) for comfort. They made it halfway before BEN decided now would be a good time to scream.

"So, what's the plan?!" The robot shrieks, harshly opening the trap door. It hits Morph, causing the little creature to hiss at the incompetent machine. Jim quickly turns to BEN and shushes him. "Be quiet!" He whispers, annoyed. BEN understands and immediately shutting his mouth tight.

Silver snores loudly in the corner, turning over in his sleep, he didn't seem bothered by BEN's outburst. "Okay, here it is.." Jim whispers to the group. "We sneak back to the legacy, disable the cannons..." he turns to (Y/N) with a raised brow. The girl smirks at him and nods "..and bring back the map." She finishes, Jim smiling as she does so.

"That's a good plan!" BEN complements, his voice muffled by his hand. "I like that plan, only thing I'm wondering...how do we get there?" (Y/N) turns to the robot with a smile before pointing up. "On that." She whispers, BEN turning his attention to whatever she was pointing at.



They manage to quietly make it to the longboat, they all hop in and begin their journey back to the Legacy. Jim slowly moves the boat to the edge of the ship and they all peek over the side.

Morph squeals happily, excited to be back on the ship. Jim and (Y/N) drop down with ease, but BEN had a bit more trouble. He trips as he stumbles over the edge, landing flat on his stomach. "Ow.." he groans, quickly getting up and dusting himself off, following after the two teens.

Jim walks to a nearby wall, pressing his back against it he peeks over the edge, making sure their weren't any aliens. "Okay.." he says, turning to BEN. "..me and (Y/N) will get the map, just wait here." He says, BEN nodding along happily. ""Roger, Jimmy! I'll neutralize the laser cannons, sir!" BEN yells, saluting Jim but he ends up smacking Morph in the face.

"Ben!" Jim yells, watching as the robot begins hoping around the deck. "Yo-ho, yo-ho! A pirates life for me!" BEN sings, dropping to the floor and rolling away. Jim turns to (Y/N) with a grimace, "Think you should—" he's cut off by the girl. "Make sure he dosnet get us caught?" Jim chuckles, "Yeah.." he says softly, (Y/N) nodding. "Just be careful, okay?" She says, her voice laced with worry.

"I'll be okay." Jim reassures, patting her on the head, "Best get going then." (Y/N) nods, she reaches up and pecks the boy on the forehead, slowly backing away without another word. Jim watches with a small smile as she leaves, shaking his head with a sigh. He makes his way down into the ship, Morph following closely behind.

✔ 𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 || 𝙹. 𝙷𝙰𝚆𝙺𝙸𝙽𝚂Where stories live. Discover now