|𝟭𝟴|~𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗹 ∙

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They all stand over the trap door leading back into the house. Ben hops in first, Jim and
(Y/N) following shortly after. They all quickly make their way towards a sleeping Delbert and Amelia, who were snuggled under the doctors coat.

"Delbert wake up!" Jim calls, shaking them both awake. "We got the map!" He says happily, taking the map out and showing it to Delbert with a grin. His smile slowly fades as a familiar cyborg slowly steps out from the shadows, his arms folded behind his back.

"We'll done Jimbo!" Silver calls out, "Fine work indeed.." the rest of his crew step out of the shadows, making their way towards the group and tying them up. Amelia struggles in her restraints while a alien holds a dagger to Delberts throat, causing the feline to stop her struggling.

"Thanks for showing us the way boy!" An alien laughs, grabbing (Y/N) and pulling her away from Jim's side. Jim's eyes never leave Silver, watching as the cyborg pulls out his gun and rolls his wrist. Morph watches as (Y/N) gets pushed back and snarls. He rushes forward and latches onto an aliens tail, causing them to howl in pain.

The alien flicks his tail and sends Morph flying into a wall, the poor creature hits the wall with a thud and slowly falls to the ground, cooing in pain. (Y/N) watches with wide eyes but bites back her tongue, not wanting to make the situation worse. Morph slowly floats off the ground and whimpers as he makes his way to the girls, finding comfort in her pocket.

"What's this sorry stack of metal?!" A female alone mocks, looking at BEN and poking his arm. The robot cowers with fear, bringing his hands up, "Not the face!" He pleads, his shoulders shaking. (Y/N) rolls her eyes as she's shoved harshly towards Silver, the cyborg bringing an arm up and gripping her shoulder. (Y/N) growls and shakes his hand off, causing Silver to glare slightly.

He takes out the map and tries to open it. He turns it over, trying to pull it apart, but it doesn't work. His hand changes into a claw, gripping the orb he tries again, but it dosent work."What the devils the.." he sighs, turning towards Jim and shoving the map towards him. "Open it." He orders.

Jim takes the map and looks down at it, he twists it in his hand before looking at Silver, a deep frown on his face. The cyborg rolls his eyes before his arm changes into a gun, aiming it at (Y/N)'s head with a sigh. "I'd get busy.." Silver growls. The girl watches the man with a raised brow, her eyes catching sight of his arm, it was shaking she noticed. (Y/N) looks to Jim and shrugs her shoulders.

Jim exhales before typing in the code into the orb, a familiar green light shooting out. But instead of forming stars and planets, the green beam shifts into Treausre planet. Silver looks at the image in awe, "Oh the power that would be..would you look.." he mumbles, his arms dropping to his side. The image changes into a green beam and shoots out of BEN's house and leading a certain direction.

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