|𝟭𝟰|~𝗘𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗽𝗲 ∙

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Jim and (Y/N) swiftly made their way into the Captain's quarters. Once settled, they rush to Amelia's side and quickly explain the situation. The Captain feels her eye twitch in annoyance. "Pirates?" She hisses. "On my ship?! I'll see they all HANG!" She yells, grabbing a gun from her cabinet.

She tosses the gun to Delbert, who fumbles to catch it. "Doctor." She starts, turning to face him. "Familiar with these?" She raises a brow at the dog. "Oh..I've seen.." Delbert stammers, avoiding eye contact with the feline. "Well I've read-" he's cut off by the gun firing. The beam shooting a glass orb right next to Amelia.

Her eyes widen and her ear twitches. She averts her attention to the now destroyed orb, it's pieces scattered across the floor. Delbert looks down sheepishly, "Uh..no..no I have not.." he admits, guilt eating away at him as he watches the Captains ears droop sadly.

Amelia shakes it off, pulling a key out of her pocket and walking over to a chest. She unlocks  it and grabs the map, the Captain turns towards Delbert and rolls her eyes at him, causing the dog to flinch. While Amelia kept her attention elsewhere, Morph perks up at the shiny object, floating closer to it, he examines it and smiles.

They all turn with a gasp when the sound of metal melting is heard, they turn towards the door as a orange glow begins to slowly form around the lock. "Mr Hawkins!" Amelia says, turning towards Jim. "Defend this with your life!" Jim nods at the order, prepared to catch the map, but a certain pink creature had other ideas.

"Morph!" (Y/N) yells, running and trying to catch the pink blob. "Give me that!" She's able to grab the map and yank it out of Morphs mouth, she pulls back and stumbles, but feels herself get stabled by Jim. She looks to her best friend and nods in thanks before turning to the Captain.


Silver stands impatiently, his foot tapping in annoyance. He watches as his crew aim a gun at the door, the lock slowly melting away. He grits his teeth, finally stepping forward. "Your takin all day about it!" He yells, shoving the crew aside. He raises his gun, preparing to fire.


Amelia rushes to pull out her gun, she aims it to the floor and fires, falling through the hole, Delbert following after. "You first!" Jim says to (Y/N), grabbing her arms and pulling her towards the hole. "Not the time to be a gentleman!" (Y/N) yells as she hears the cocking of a gun. She grabs Jim by his collar and pushes him down the hole, immediately jumping after.

The group all run through the dark halls of the ship, they make it half way before they hear a blast, followed by Silvers voice, "Stop them!" They all turn a corner, trying to keep up with the Captain. Delbert trips slightly but catches himself, falling behind.  They make it to a staircase, running down through a metal door.

Amelia quickly grabs Delbert, hurling him into the room, she waits for Jim and (Y/N) to make their way inside before shutting the door, locking it tight. "To the longboats! Quickly now!" She orders, pulling a lever and opening the hatch on the floor. Delbert quickly does so without question, (Y/N) following after. She turns around and grabs Jim's hand, about to help him into the boat.

Amelia makes her way into the boat, taking out her gun she redirects it towards the door, her ears twitching for any sound beyond the metal barricade. Nobody notices Morph flying out from behind Jim, the pink blob dives down and snatches the orb, flying away with a giggle. "Morph get back here!" (Y/N) desperately yells, jumping out the boat and chasing the creature.

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