Chapter 2 - Maniac

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An empty room, no lights, no windows, nothing. At the centre was a broken wooden chair. As the door opened, a young girl was blindfolded, pulled in and pressed against the wall. Echoes of dust brushed against her nose. 

"Attention." A voice echoed over a microphone. "Subject 726, please remove your blindfold."

The little girl did so, her gaze drifting to a boy tied to the chair. Her eyes widened slightly, recognising him. Another subject she had grown to know.

"Subject 726. Shoot Subject 626." The voice ordered.

Handed an old handgun, the girl was left dazed, looking at her fellow friend, horrified. Then, slowly raising the pistol, her hands began to shake before she lowered her hands, dropping the gun. "I can't..."

"You cannot, or will not?"

"I can't! He's my friend."

The boy looked at the gun, darting to the floor, gripping the weapon tightly and firing without a second thought. The girl was knocked back, smudging blood against the wall before falling dead.

"Well done, Subject 626. You've passed the final test; you are now one of us. Welcome to the Primevals."

I jolted up from my bed, my hand tightening against my bedside gun. Looking around, I began panting, dazed. Then, quickly coming to my senses, I discovered I had already fired a shot piercing my wall. Approaching the damage, I sighed. "What do you think, Sir Mittons? Do you think the landlord will notice?"

My shorthaired cat approached, pivoting between my legs, purring. "Yeah, I thought so too..."

Yawning, I threw the gun back on my bed, opening the curtains to the full brim of Night City. Scratching my backside, I continued yawning, hearing my phone buzz. Answering, I leaned against the window, just watching. "Y/N, it's Butch; how does some overtime sound to you?"

"Butch? I don't know... It is my day off."

"Don't be like that kid; we could really use your skills today. I'll buy you that drink afterwards. Come on; you can't turn that down."

"I guess one drink wouldn't hurt."

"That's the spirit. I'll meet you at the office. Thanks again."

Hanging up, I kneeled down, patting Sir Mittons smiling. "Daddy's got to go to work. You're in charge, alright? Any cyborg ninjas break in, take 'em out, yeah?"

Sir Mittons looked up to me, meowing. Then, nodding, convinced, I opened my blind, taking one more look. "What have you got installed for me today, Night City?"


It wasn't long before I was already making my way to work. Sliding down the stairs, I passed serval police officers trying to break into one of the apartments downstairs. As I passed it, a shotgun blasted down the door. Jumping back, I patted myself down, chuckling. "Just another day in Night City."

I stretched out of the apartment complex in one piece, taking in the polluted air. More police officers began flooding the area; I obviously stepped out of the way as they poured in with more gunfire echoing on. Then, paying no attention to the chaos, I began skipping forward, avoiding each crack in the pavement and whistling to myself. Then, glancing up, I stopped catching a familiar face stepping out. "Hey, Geto! If it isn't the man, the myth, the legend. Jackie Welles!"

Jackie poked his head around his face in a box of noodles. "¿Que es eso? Oh, if it isn't the porky Ganic."

"Whoa, that's rude, Jackie. What's wrong with having no implants?"

Jackie held his chopsticks at me, climbing into his car. "Nothing wrong with that, if you don't mind being flatlined. Stay out of trouble, Y/N."

"No promises! I shout, watching him drive off. Then, spinning on the spot, I stumble back in shock, coming face to face with Butch. "Holy moly, man, what's the big deal?"

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