Chapter 8 - Blood on the Dance Floor

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I sat on the roof of Lucy's apartment, being hammered by the rain. Once that kid, David, was knocked out, I decided to get out of everyone's way and wait for this all to blow over. The view from her apartment was nice, real nice. I can understand why she kept her personal life so under wrap. I would sit up here all night with a cold beer and watch the world pass me by.

It reminds me of the view from my apartment. Well, my old apartment. Stretching, I yawned, getting ready to call it a night; Maine and Pilar had this under control. At least that would have been the plan until I heard my phone ring.

Taking it out, I looked at the unknown number, confused. "Now what? Hello?" 

"I am speaking to Y/N L/N, am I not? So I do have the correct number?"

"It's just Y/N. Who is this?"

"Ahh, Kanzen, kanzen. My name is Kumi Suzuki; I was hoping to discuss a possible job for you."

Leaning back, I was confused by this but slightly intrigued. "What kind of job are we talking about here? I'm usually not the one to call over this; I can send your number to my boss Maine if you'd like?"

"No, no. I beg of you; I was told you were the best possible person for the job. Low key, and without any cybernetics to speak of."

"Says who?"

"I got this number from Dexter Deshaw; he told me you were the best man for the job."

"Good old Dex... I don't know, I don't want to sound rude or anything, but I'm not really in the business of helping others right now, I'll pass your number onto Maine, and he can take a look into it."

"Tomaru! Please, listen; I promise you I'll make it worthwhile. It's about my daughter; she needs your help."

I contemplated the matter letting rain run down my face before licking my lips. "I'll hear you out; what's wrong with your daughter?"

"Not on the phone; I wish to speak to you in person. Do you know the ramen shop in Japantown?"

"Yeah, I know of the place; I got my wallet stolen there."

"Good, I mean, not that. I shall meet you there; please hurry."

Kumi hung up, making me sigh. I really should have just said no. Standing up, I began climbing the stairs and stepping back into Lucy's apartment, finding everyone gone. "Oh, what did I miss?"

"You're still here?" Lucy said, surprised, stepping out of her bedroom. "Long story, Maine let David off."

"Starting to see a running theme here, so what if he just let the guy go with his eddies worth of gear?"

Lucy shook her head taking out a smoke. "No, he let David work for us. From what I heard, give him a try as he did you."

"Well, look at that, good old Saint Nick is just letting in every damaged kid off the street. What a gentleman." I scoff, walking for the door. "I'll get out of your hair, got business of my own to attend to. Might I say that view from your roof? Wow."

"Yeah, I get that. Night Y/N."

"See ya." Stepping out of the apartment, I flipped my sidearm around, looking at my phone. "Let's get this shit over and done with."


Japantown is where people come to escape from the stresses of this shit hole only to come to a bigger one. I never liked Japantown from the moment I passed by; each experience was worse than the last.

Gang violence, off-brand BDs, hookers and among other fucked up things. No one in their right mind wants to end up in Japantown, let alone live in it.

Passing through the market, I kept my hands deep in my pockets over the top music really not matching the atmosphere. Then, slowly approaching the ramen shop, I stepped in, glancing around. Right off the bat, I noticed one man acting strange; he was far off in the back of the shop, constantly looking around and shaking.

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