Chapter 4 - Sweet Dreams

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"You better have a good explanation of why you have some kid bleeding out on my floor, Pilar!"

"This brat is the bounty we've been raving about, Maine, the big bucks."

"Alive, right? Dying here isn't going to get you anything, is it?"

"Well, what the hell were we supposed to do?!" Rebecca barked. "We can't take the shithead to a ripperdoc; he's all flesh and blood."

Gagging, I opened my eyes, panting. "How the fuck is this guy still breathing."

"I... I need a splint, bandages and someone to remove the shrapnel..."

Maine stood over me, giving me one look over. "You're the trauma agent from before. You're all over the news; we're not helping you."

"Yes, you are."

"Yeah, why should we?"

"Because I told you so," I shouted, holding my waist and sitting up. "I refuse to die, not here, not now. I still got to make those fuckers pay."

Maine turned away, glancing over his shoulder and lowering his glasses. "Becca, the medical supplies are in the back. You can do with what we have. Ask Sasha; she'll help."

Pilar picked me up, carrying me over his shoulder, laughing to himself. "I don't think I've seen anyone order Maine around; you're something else, money bag."

"Your money bag is running out of time, Pilar."

"Who gave you permission to use my name, brat?"

"Are you really in the position to question me?"

"We could say the exact same thing about you, Ganic." Rebecca taunted. "Live or die either way; we still get paid."

"Yeah, but you lose 80% of the bounty, as I see it. So you can't afford to fuck around with me."

Pilar kicked a door down, throwing me on the rusted table. A girl with short black hair walked in, dazed. "What the hell is this?"

"Boss man orders; he wants you to fix this blood bag before he kicks the bucket." Rebecca states jumping on another table and kicking her legs back and forth. "Better act quick."

The girl came over, looking overwhelmed, seeing the situation folding out. "I'm a netrunner; how on earth am I supposed to deal with this?"

Turning my head, I pointed to a t-shirt. "I need that. Tie it around my leg as tight as possible. It will stop the bleeding... I also need a stim and..."


Taking serval breaths, I spoke again. "Someone to hold my hand."

"I ain't holding the corpse's hand," Pilar stated.

Rebecca ground her teeth, jumping down and taking my hand, frustrated. "There, happy?! Why the hell do I need to hold your hand for?"

Squeezing it, I took serval slow breaths. "It's to keep me focused on one thing. I have to stay awake. If you feel my grip loosen even for a moment, you squeeze as hard as possible. Break my hand for all I care. Don't let me fall asleep."

Rebecca paused, taking this slightly seriously, placing her other hand on top, not responding.

"So? Are you done, Sasha?" Pilar questioned, fed up.

"Does it look like I'm done? I've never done something like this before." Sasha argued, pulling the shirt back around my leg. "Is that tight enough?"

Glancing at it, I nodded, gulping. "Good... Next, I need... I need you to, fuck." I felt a jolt of pain tear through my hand as I shouted, turning to Rebecca and crushing my hand. "What the hell? I didn't let go!"

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