Chapter 11 - Starboy

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"HQ, bravo squad is moving in on the target. Looking to secure 626, over."

"Copy. Remember, the target is wanted alive, and keep this quiet; we do not need this being seen by the higher-ups. Over."

A small elite squad moved in on an old abandoned building. From the outside, there were crude handpainted signs all warning to get out. No trespassing and abandon all hope ye who enter—kicking the door down, the squad stepping into the entrance finding the entire building covered in mirrors. They all began moving, keeping close as the door slammed shut. Spinning around, the lights started flicking on and off before turning off altogether. 

As they came back on, I stood in the centre, sitting on the floor, leaning forward. "About time you showed up; I've been waiting hours."

All their guns were raised as one began talking over his comms. "HQ, this is bravo squad. Located the target, no resistance is being put up. Over."

Holding my hands up, I pouted. "I give up!"

The lights flashed off again as I vanished, getting into position. "Where did he go?!"

The lights returned but this time with a wide range of colours, creating a rave. Sitting above, I was juggling two grenades, smugly taunting them. "Showtime."

Dropping both bombs, the elite squad scattered as three were blown up and sent flying into the walls. Running around darting between their line of cover, one turned to me, firing point blank. Shattering a reflection of me.

Holding a gun to his head, I whistled, getting his attention. Blowing him away, I spun around, prancing as music blared out throughout the building. Dancing on the spot, I turned my gun around, pre-firing as a soldier fell to the ground from behind cover. Wiping blood from my shoulder, I began walking towards the exit spinning my gun around.

I could hear one of them smirking, trying to get the drop on me. Taking another step forward, he screeched in pain as a bear trap tore into his leg, holding him down. Approaching him, I didn't even give him the time of day, blasting a shot in his face, his brains splattering against the wall. Planting a sticky bomb on the walls, I began moving for the exit as the building behind me exploded, taking out two more unsuspected meat bags.

Resting my hand on the door, I felt off; I counted eight dead. So there were nine of them.

Turning around, I was tackled through the door into the open as the last remaining squad member pinned me to the ground. Then, holding a gun to my head, he began hissing. "You butchered all of them! Like it was a sport, I don't care what HQ told me; I'm going to fucking kill you!"

Clocking the gun back, he fired. Pulling his arm away, I was shot in the shoulder, yelling in pain. Furious and my headache rippling, I thrust my thumbs into his face digging into his eyes. The squad member cried, falling off me as I pounced on him, gripping my hands around his neck and choking him. The harder I squeezed, the more I bit down my lip until it began bleeding. Then, watching the life from his eyes fade, I slammed him down, killing the last one.

Lying back, I began panting, holding my shoulder. "Motherfucker!" Picking up his gun, I began unloading on the corpse letting all my built-up anger die. 

Holding my shoulder, I picked up the radio, responding to my overlords. "HQ, this is target 626; bravo squad is KIfuckingA. You better send more men next time. Over."

"My son," Eve whispered, sending chills down my spine. "I should have expected you to overcome such a minor threat. My apologies; we will do better. Come home; we need not fight anymore."

"You're new here, so I'll bring you up to scratch. There's one rule everyone else in Night City who has it out for me has to follow. Wait, your damn turn." Breaking the comms, I threw it aside. Hearing her voice, feeling this headache never-ending, looking at the carnage. I clawed at my face screaming at the top of my lungs until nothing was left. 

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