Chapter 10 - Mad Hatter

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My head was bothering me more and more these days. But, unfortunately, it's something I have to put up with; not much else I can do about it. Besides, I have more important matters to attend to.

Knocking on the door, I stood waiting, holding a box of items, Bds, snacks, a couple of beers and some candles. Finally, the door opened as Rebecca thrust a gun in my face. "Oh, it's only you. What do you want?"

Ignoring the gun to my face, I began going through my stuff. "So, which sounds more exciting to you, a walk through the amazon rainforest or climbing mount Everest? I have Bds for both."

"What the hell are you talking about."

"Look, losing a loved one sucks, like real bad. But, grieving alone is worse; I can't have you going through that alone."

Rebecca leaned against the door, looking flustered but hiding it behind a pissed-off look. "Grieving? Me? Shut up. Does it look like I'm grieving?"

"We all grieve in our own ways. But, at the very least, we should send off your crazy bastard of a brother."

"I'm going to count to three before I shoot you in the face."

Holding the magazine up, I shook my head. "You're not getting rid of me that easily Becca. Come on, please?"

Rebecca lowered her gun as I passed her back the magazine. Stepping away, I stepped into the apartment, looking around. "It was a hassle trying to find this place; Maine isn't exactly in talking spirits as of late."

"Yeah, I've been ghosting a few of his calls. I'm not in the right state of mind to be back out there just yet."

Sitting down, I put my box on the table, nodding. "I hear you; it was so sudden. I'm still processing the matters."

Rebecca opened the fridge, holding two beers. "Want one?"


Handing me a beer, Rebecca sat next to me, sighing. "I offered David Pilar's cybernetics. Unfortunately, you have no use for them; it's either that or selling them off."

"Not going to use them yourself?"

"The idea crossed my mind." She admitted. Taking a sip, Rebecca leaned forward, looking through the box. "What's all this junk?"

"Just a few things I was able to salvage from my apartment. It's not much, but it's the closest thing I have to call home."

Rebecca took out a picture of Sir Mittons and me giving me a strange look. "Ha, cute. What's with all the candles?"

"Well, I take it you haven't had a funeral for Pilar yet?"

"What?" Rebecca whispered.

"Thought not. Regardless of what kind of people we are, we should send off our family the best we can. It won't be much, but it's the best way to remember him."

Rebecca took the candles and inspected them, nodding. "Yeah... I'd like that."

"Sweet, where did you want to do it?"

"Not here. We'll go around back to Pilar's drinking spot. He'd like that."

Picking up the box, I put the candles back. "Great, lead the way then."

Rebecca put her gun down and put a jacket on, leaving the apartment. We began walking down back, passing others who glanced at us without saying anything. Exiting the building, we walked down the road and returned to the parking area. Rebecca stood idly by; it was clear she wasn't prepared or understanding of a funeral. I decided to take the lead, putting candles down in a circle. In the middle of the circle, I placed a picture we took a few weeks after my first gig. I also placed a bottle of his favourite beer.

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