Chapter 7 - This fffire

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Night City. A city of opportunities, they say; I call bullshit on that. If you're rich and powerful, yeah, this city is your personal breeding ground for corruption and easy money. But, the 99% aren't so lucky.

So why is Night City considered one of the more ideal places to live? Ask me five months ago, and I would be stumped on giving you an answer. Now, after rolling with Maine's crew for so long, I get it. It's not about the fancy apartments, the people, the easy money or even the city life. To the few who take the opportunity, Night City is our very own playground; we can go as wild as we like.

But with one domino knocked over soon enough, it will all come tumbling down.


Swerving around a corner, I fought with the wheel spinning it around, screeching ahead as serval cars were hot on my tail firing away. Keeping my head down, I looked behind, frustrated. "Fucking hell, Malestrom won't give it a rest, will they? They're acting like we killed their leader or something... Crap too soon?"

My phone began buzzing as I quickly put it on speaker. "Y/N?! Where the hell are you?"

"Sorry, Maine, the mission has gone a little on the deep end. It turns out that counter fit data shard as well, really counter fit. Blew the leader's head right off." I mutter, jerking forward as the car was bashed into. "Kiwi, please tell me you've got the route to ditch these assholes?!"

Turning to Kiwi in the passenger seat, she was occupied mapping out our escape route. I waited as she opened her eyes in a calm motion. "Turn left now."

Almost missing the passing by a hair, I spun the wheel, blazing down the highway into the bustling streets, avoiding the cars to the best of my ability. "They're still on us! Where next?"

"Give me a sec."

"Fuck this," I shout, spinning the car around and driving backwards. Then, keeping one hand on the wheel, I poked my head out the window, firing on Malestrom, managing to take down one car. Then, quickly bringing the car back around, I focused on the road. "Kiwi. Kiwi!"

"Take a right here and then a left."

Hitting the brakes, I pulled right, avoiding an oncoming truck crushing us. Two of the three Maelstrom trucks zipped past, with just one pursuing us. Taking Kiwi's orders, I turn left just as quickly, pulling into a dead end. My eyes widened slightly, taken back. "Umm... Kiwi, Kiwi! Dead end."

"Keep going." She stated, staring straight ahead. "Don't stop."

Speeding up, I was making for the wall as Kiwi shouted. "Stop!"

Slamming down on the breaks, we came inches from the wall. Turning around, Rebecca came strolling out from nowhere, holding a rocket launcher. Firing it straight away, the Maelstrom truck was hit directly, exploding, flying over the wall, never to be seen again.

Panting heavily, I kept staring forward, my blood pumping. "Never again, we are never doing that again."

Rebecca knocked on the window as I rolled it down. "How it's hanging, Y/N? Long time no see."

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes, Becca... Thanks."

"Eh, it's nothing. It was a win-win situation. You get your ass saved, and I get to blow shit up." She smirked and leaned into the car, resting her head on the door. "So? How did it go?"

Holding a data shard, I sighed. "It wasn't a total disaster. We got the information we needed. Next time we're getting Falco to drive. I'm not built for this shit."

Rebecca kept staring, waiting for another answer. "So...."

Opening the door, I rolled my eyes. "Get in; Maine's fixer is meeting us at Turbo's."

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