Chapter 13 - What I've Done

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The ride to Arasaka was hell. I could tell none of us was thrilled or prepared. Checking my ammo, I thrust the magazine in, whispering. "If anyone is getting second thoughts, now's the time to back out. There's likely no coming back from this." 

No one replied, getting me a nod and turning to the truck's door. "Good. That's what I like to hear."

Kicking it open, Arasaka's convoy was swarming us. Holding my gun close, I began firing alongside Rebecca. With the numbers, our puny attempts were futile, hardly breaking through their numbers. Watching my gun jam, I screamed, throwing it out of the truck. "Fuck this; I need something with more firepower."

"How much further, Falco?!" Rebecca shouted.

"Still some way keep them off us!"

Making back for the door, I began winding up a minigun, even shocking Rebecca. "Where the fuck do you come across these old-world weapons anyway?!"


Bombarding the pursuers with hundreds of rounds, each car either exploded under pressure or swerved off, crashing. Stepping back, I squeezed my eyes shut, fighting against the chip whimpering. "Fuck..."

"You still with us, Y/N?" Falco questioned. All I could do was give him a thumbs up. "I'm not sure how long David can last; we can't worry about you too."

"Forget me; when we reach Arasaka tower, we're going our separate ways. I'm going to make sure mum fixes my damn head, or I kill her. You focus on getting Lucy and getting away."

"She your actual mother?"

"Don't know, quite frankly, don't care."

Rebecca jumped down, looking even more concerned. "David's meds aren't working anymore. We need to get him to Lucy."

"Then it's decided," I whisper as Falco swerves around, reaching Arasaka tower. Placing a rifle over my shoulders, I reloaded my pistol, walking backwards. "See you all on the other side."

Stepping off the truck, I rolled forward, breaking my fall. Rebecca leaned out the back, shouting. "You give them hell for all of us!"

Blowing a kiss, I turned to the Arasaka forces holding two rifles. "Put your weapons down and identity yourself!"

One eye shut, and I bared the chip, chuckling. "So you're the boys who deal with the psychos in this city, huh? Well, I bet you've seen nothing like me."


I wasn't sure how long I was gone or even if I was ever coming back. But I did.

Slouched against the elevator heading up Arasaka tower, I gagged, bleeding everywhere. "If I black out like that again... That's it. It doesn't matter; I'm practically running on fumes anyway."

The over coms echoed out with her taunting me. "You didn't have to make this so difficult. You were always coming home. Our office is on the 54th floor. I'll be with you soon."

"Funny," I whisper, looking at my worn-down pistol with one magazine left. "That's all I need."

The elevator came to a stop as I limped out. The second I stepped out, the elevator went back down. Glancing around, I had my gun trained for any surprises. Once I knew the coast was clear, I made for the desk overlooking Night City, plopping down in the chair and kicking my feet up. "Ahh, that's the spot."

The elevator rose to my floor as I aimed my gun, waiting. Eve stepped out. Alone. The smile on her face pissed me off as she stepped off the elevator closer to me. "I'm glad you could finally make it; I've been waiting a long time for this. Ever since we thought you dead, I've been yearning to find you again."

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