Chapter 12 - Running Up That Hill

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Alarms screamed out, ringing in my ears. Bodies were all around me; I was covered in blood. But I didn't know why. Looking around, confused, I held my hand up, seeing a bloody pair of scissors. Dropping it, the doors burst open with serval armed guards. Each of them was startled, raising their guns to me.

"Wait!" I scream, being gunned down.

Joining the corpses, I lay bleeding out as my mother ran in shouting. "What did you do?! What did you do?!"

"Y/N, Y/N!" I lifted my head from the car door, yawning. "Come on now, no sleeping on the job." Falco insisted.

"Sorry, it isn't like me to do so." I yawned, still staring out into the emptiness. "The badlands suck..."

"Yup." He responded, tapping the wheel. "What are your thoughts on this mission?"

"You want my honest thoughts? I couldn't give two fucks what the mission was. If it means sticking it to Arasaka, then it's fine by me."

"You really don't like those corpos do you?"

"Hey, I don't hate them enough to pull a Silverhand and nuke the place. I'd happily storm the tower and egg the place, though. Minor inconveniences that don't brand me a terrorist."

Kiwi was sitting in the back waiting. I poked my head around, trying to start a conversation. "So, how did this job come around again?"

"Does it matter?"

"No... I suppose not." I shrug, sitting in silence. "Heard from Lucy lately?"

Kiwi got out of the truck, and both Falco and I looked at each other confused. "What's her problem?"

"Beats me." I smile, not caring too much. "I could never understand what's going through that netrunner's head... Sasha was much easier to work with."

"I can vouch for that," Falco smirked, giving me a dodgy look. "Are you alright?"

Taking out a bag of pills, I stuffed four down, wincing. "Fine, migraines, they're the worst."

"Oh, yeah, Rebecca mentioned those. You should see someone about that."

"Not worth the hassle. Not a lot doctors can do for me anyway."

"I suppose not; it's only a headache after all."

"Rise and shine fuckers, the envoy is here!" Rebecca shouts, smacking the car window.

"Showtime, huh?" I whisper, getting out and inspecting the target. "Hmm, a bit more resistance than I first expected..."

"Is there a problem?" David questioned, meeting us.

"Nope, not at all. I was really hoping to use the old-fashioned RPG, but..." Walking to the truck, I began going through my weapons, pulling out a tesla gun made for extended range. Cranking it on, I tightened the lightbulbs licking my lips. Then, kneeling, I began charging it up.

"What is that?"

"This bad boy? I call it the DG-2, a working prototype. So watch and learn, kiddos."

The gun erupted, blasting an array of electricity forward, striking the envoy and sending it flying off the road and crashing. "That was fucking nova!" Rebecca screamed.

"One shot, one use," I whisper, throwing the scorched gun to the floor. "It won't be long before Arasaka goons swarm the place, hurry up, posies!"

Jumping into the truck, we began high-tailing it down the cliffside making for the envoy as quickly as possible. Sitting in the back with Rebecca and David, I threw Rebecca her gun loading my M1911. "You're seriously going into battle with Arasaka with that sad excuse for a gun."

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