Chapter 5 - Master of Puppets

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"Welcome to the club, kid; make yourself at home," Maine stated, walking into the rundown apartment. "You can crash here for now while we figure out what to do with you."

Carrying a bag of nuts and bolts, I looked around, smirking. "It ain't no luxury Arasaka penthouse, but I suppose it will do."

"Good, you're nothing getting anything better." He replies, knocking on the door. "You've met most of the crew, just one more to join us. Y/N, this is Dorio, my right hand."

"Hi there."

Dorio didn't bother standing, eying me down and nodding. "We pulling in strays now?"

"Very expensive strays," Maine explained, sitting down and pointing to the door. "Your room is back there. It's probably best you get some rest. Well, have you ever heard of privacy? We'll talk later."

Turning around, I left those two sitting on the hard mattress of my new room. Curled up, I finally had a moment to breathe; I wasn't dying; I wasn't being hunted. For now. But this silence was a double-edged sword as all the bottled-up emotion crawled out. Burying my head between my legs, I wiped my eyes, deflated.

A faint knock echoed as I looked up, wiping my face. "Sorry, was this a bad time? I thought you might be hungry?" Sasha questioned.

Sasha came in with a burnt burrito. Taking the plate, I took a long-winded sigh. "I am absolutely fucking starving."

Taking serval bites from the burrito, I leaned back, looking at the broken fan. "Rough day, huh?"

"That's putting it lightly," I whisper. "I lost everything, my home, all of my belongings, and the only family I had left."

"Oh, you had family... Did you want us to search for them?"

I smile faintly, trying to play it off. "No, it's no big deal... It was just my cat, Sir Mittons, I called him. He was a stray I found eight months back. I wasn't too attached or anything. It was just nice to have the company." 

"Well, I'm sorry to hear about your cat."

"Thank you... I have to ask; you're not like the others. They're."


"Batshit insane."

"I hear you; they can be a handful. But trust me, they're not all bad. Maine is a big softie when you get to know him."

"I'll believe that when I see it."

Sasha took the plate, standing up. "I'll let you get some rest."

"Thanks, Sasha."

"No problem."

 Rolling over, I tried getting some sleep, the events of the past few days playing back again and again.


A few hours had passed, and I had somehow got some sleep. Wiping my eyes, I changed my bandages, meeting with the others. They were preoccupied playing a game of cards as I came in yawning. "Well, if it isn't sleeping beauty. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit. But not as shitty as before."

"Good, that's good."

Sitting down, I leaned forward, clearing my throat. "So listen, about the people who wronged me. Do you know anyone who can get us some leads?"

Maine glanced at me before putting his cards now. "I ain't helping you with shit, kid."

"What? We had a deal."

"The deal isn't on the table just yet. I have an errand for you to run first."

Lowering my head in shame, I nodded, getting the picture. "You want me to prove myself; I get it."

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