Chapter 3 - Another One Bites the Dust

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"Well, Y/N, your move?" Butch teased, flipping a stolen chess piece in his hand. "I don't have all day."

"Quiet on the set! I need total focus... Shit, I can't go there otherwise, checkmate. Or there, or even there. Damn it... I yield."

"Already? Good to know there is something even the almighty Y/N is bad at."

"You're making out I'm some legend, don't do that. I'm hardly anything in the slightest."

"Perhaps," Butch said, collecting each piece. "Say, the Mrs is cooking tonight; you're more than welcome to pass on through for a bite. She would love to meet you."

"Ugh... I don't know; I wouldn't want to feel like I'm intruding; I'm sure you've seen enough of me at work." I reply, handing him my last piece. 

"It does not bother; I will only bring you the leftovers for lunch tomorrow. You can't really say no here."

Sighing, I nodded. "I'll think about it."

"That's the spirit; it beats being trapped at home all day, right? Speaking of, I don't remember you mentioning it. Is there a special someone in your life?"

"My cat? No, not particularly. Not in that market right now, I guess you could say." I chuckle, pausing, feeling deflated. "Say, Butch, can I ask? Why are you always so nice to me? You don't give the others this special treatment."

As Butch opened his mouth, the alarms rang, calling up to our next mission. "Saved by the bell, huh? Here, can't forget this."

Catching my gun, I put my helmet on, ran to the landing pad and waited for the transport to land. One of the trauma team showed up holding a tablet. "We just got the call for a platinum package client. The name Reo Hiroto, daughter of the highly pristine Hiroto family, they are key sponsors for Arasaka's development and have been close to the family for almost fifty years. The girl was recorded missing just last night; her trauma levels went off five minutes ago, and she is being held in the city centre. We're expecting heavy resistance."

I rubbed my chin, nodding taking all of this in. "Quite the client we've got riddled in with. Do we know who's kidnapped her?"


"What about the NCPD? Are they on route?"

"They should be yes."

The trauma transport landed as I jumped on, leaning out. "Gotcha, we'll get her back here safe and sound, worry not. If all goes to plan, boys, drinks on me!"

This got a rowdy laugh as we were off. Sitting down, I double-checked my weapon with Godzilla resting on the barrel. "I bet Arasaka are shitting themselves right now, yeah? The biggest sponsor under their belt is in trouble."

Butch glanced at me, loading his gun, nodding. "Just remember, we have a job to do."

It was only then the proposition from last night came crawling back. I gave him a look remembering what he said.

"Tomorrow, we're going to get called in for another typical pickup of a high-value platinum client. When we turn up on the scene, you will do nothing. But, they'll be a big paycheck for doing so."

"Six digits if all goes to plan. It's important we don't fuck this up; otherwise, we're all in deep shit. So what do you say, kid? You could go just about anywhere with that type of cash."

He couldn't possibly be talking about this. That's impossible; it was just a silly joke. There was no way Butch could know this would happen...


I was the first off the transport sweeping the building, expecting the largest resistance in all of Night City. But instead, I didn't even get a whisper or an insult thrown at me. The warehouse was completely empty. Lowering my gun, I was left baffled. I checked, double-checked, no triple-checked the coordinates. "Is this the right place? Hey, Butch, where is the heavy resistance?!"

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