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—So Jc, how's the basketball team going?—asked Ruben, Gigi's dad. As they ate during dinner.

—It's great, I think we have a shot to win the district championship.—he answered proudly with a smile— I remember when I use to play—

—Oh dad...Not this story again—Gigi rolled her eyes. He always had to bring up his basketball career one way or another, especially with the Chasez's.

—Gigi, that's how I met your mother. Sitting in the bleachers cheering for the opposite team.—

—I was there too—Added Karen—It would be a fun coincidence if you and Jc date knowing that he plays basketball too—

—Yeah no, Jc is my best friend.—

—Yeah...me and Gigi are great friends.—Smiled Jc, trying to hide the fact he was inlove with her.

—Jc, you know Brian right?—asked Valerie.—Yeah, I mean, not personally but we play basketball for the school team together—

—¿Who's Brian?—Asked her dad curious. He hasn't heard his daughter mention a boys name in a long time.

—He's just a friend, a really great friend I've made—Gigi answered fast, hoping the questions would end about Brian. She wasn't allowed to date.

—You know the rules, and I need you to respect them.—

—Yes sir.—she looked down at her plate, Jc grabbed her hand and gave it a little squeeze for support.

—Oh come on Ruben she's growing. She should be allowed to experience teen romance.— added Jc's dad

—I'm saving her from a heartbreak, Roy.—

—Anyways...Quien quiere fresas con crema?—asked Valerie changing the subject.

The rest of the evening Jc and Gigi spent it in her room with the door open. She was sitting in the desk chair while he lay on her bed reading one of her books.

She was busy doing her homework while they talked. Jc would look at her here and there when she was distracted. She was so gorgeous...

—I appreciate your dad trying to help me out—she mentioned while writing, catching his attention. —¿On what?—he asked closing her book.

—With the dating. I don't think papi is going to be changing his mind any time soon—she looked down at her socks.

—You have to understand sunshine...He wants what's best for you.— he scooted over on the bed, giving her the hint to lay with him.

—I know but it sucks...What if I never live that highschool love—she sat down on the bed.—I'm sure you will—he smiled

—You say that because you've already experienced it—she rolled her eyes and lay next to him.

—You assume that but I haven't Gigi. I'm waiting for the right girl.—he stared at the ceiling and at her for a brief moment.

—I hope you find her—she smiled

—And I hope you find that boy you want—he kissed her cheek softly and hugged her.

Both stayed quiet for the rest of the time. He held her close until he knew that she had fallen in a deep sleep. She looked so peaceful in his arms, she was like a little girl.

—Hey Jc, we're leaving—Taylor entered the room to tell him. —I'm going— he said quietly and removed his hand slowly trying not to wake her up.

—Goodnight, love bug— he kissed her forehead, tucking her in with her blanket before turning off her lights and closing her door.

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