<~⊙~> In My Mouth,Not My Face! <~⊙~>

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"Milk shake beings all the boys to the farm!"

Dedicated to Amelia-Law and OluchiHelen


"Spell the word 'high school'."



(<⊙ ω⊙ω§ ⊙>)
Chapter Three

"Make sure you study on the skeletal system of the human. I don't want you people failing my class," Mrs Clinton, the biology teacher says irritated.

She has a stress ball being squeezed in her hand as she watches her pupils walk out to lunch. Her hair tied in a messy bun, neck covered with a red and blue cotton scarf despite it being kinda hot today, she frowns.

It's the only facial expression she's had on since I walked in. I asked one dude why she looks cross and he said she's been that way since everybody at the school planned a surprise birthday party for her. He said she hates everyone here including the principal for hosting a party she didn't even ask for.

Though she's just so grumpy,it scares me.

Welp, this is my second favourite class of the day so far. Shocking, but there was no drama at all like in the sex educational class. We don't have to take it as some important subject to study for the final exams but it was pretty weird.

A dildo set on fire as the teacher tried to explain something about copulation. I don't have time to start talking about penises but uh, I had fun in here. I just sat by myself and answered questions that were thrown at me.

It's also crazy that I'm the only Black African immigrant in most of my classes but I'll get a hang of some stupid ass questions being asked about whether or not we have water or internet in Africa.

I'll try to not punch somebody in the fucking face if they become too irritating and ignorant about the continent. But like shit! Is this what people have known all their lives?

I mean,I left Zambia when I was ten and I'm still spending the rest of my life here in America but how come not everybody seems to have that much keen interest to travel to Africa to see how life is there?

Too scared to be chased down by wild animals you perceive we keep as pets? Well, be my guest and I'd love to show you around.

Anyway, I grab my stuff and begin to walk out of class to my locker. I'm ready to head out to lunch at the cafeteria and see how shit goes down there. Whether or not they serve prison food,you know what I mean?  Shit,I'm playing.

I suddenly hear someone call out my name.

"Kabwe! Wait up for us!"

I stop in my tracks and turn to look at who just called me out and It's Luwi. She's with Karan hurriedly walking towards me. Why are they calling me up to wait for them? Did I do something?

"Oh,hi," I say to them acting all nervous and shit.

"Where are you headed?" Luwi asks me with a smile on her face.

"My locker. Then after putting my shit there,I head over to the cafeteria," I reply and Luwi puts her arm around me walking us to the lockers.

"We'll stick together just like Olivia Rodrigo does with Conan Gray from now on, friend," she says.

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