Chapter 1: Cat Outta Hell

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  Night City, from the outside looking in you'd think this was a place of paradise, where you could have a chance of making it in the big city. But you couldn't be further from the truth.

  This place is a desert for the mind, crawling with vermin that will stop at nothing to drag you down to it's level right before it finishes you off, leaving you with nothing left.

  It leaves one void of emotion and barren of thought, real thought at least. The world outside of this city can't compare, this city is a prison, trapping those in it's jaws and carving set paths for most people that live within it's grasps. You either force your way through the water, making a name for yourself, carving the most risk of possible death, or you stay quiet and do what you are intended to do.

  I admit, I have no real reason to complain. I am a rich boy from the city. My mother a higher up, working with Arasaka, while I managed to graduate the Academy early with passing grades, but something about this life always felt boring or stagnant. I am grateful, but it isn't the life that I want anymore. Not one that I could imagine myself having, but such is the curse of free will. If I were to stray from the path my mother made for me, I'd be no better than the scum of the city, the ones who get shut down once they step out of line.

  It's because of this that I've felt like a prisoner, who only cowered at the idea that I am capable of unique thought, and a desire to forge plans of my own life, only fearing that my instincts would terrify mother to where they might lead me. Outside of Arasaka, maybe even outside and away from Night City. Maybe I want to be a netrunner, or maybe I want to be a fixer. Maybe even a merc, or anything of that sort. Getting paid doing what I love is something I admit I have always wanted a life like that, but as long as it was my own choice, I don't care. But enough of my philosophical side, I don't want my data to be full of that, I'm more than just philosophy, trust me if I stay on this topic I'll be on it for a whole book, just listen close and you'll see I am so much more than meets the eye.

  Walking through the streets in a suit of rather clean design, I made my way down the streets on my way to see an old friend. Got some strange looks from some of the people on the streets as I made my way to his apartment. Made me paranoid I was gonna get shot on sight, then again me looking like a suit isn't the best course of action.

  As I go to knock on the door, I manage to catch them right on time as he opens the door.

Y/N: Oh, hey David.

David: Sup man.

  He didn't seem too into small talk since he seemed pretty tired, or annoyed, or both.

Gloria: Oh, is that (Y/N)?

  I notice David's mother walking to the door as she gives me a hug, I accept the embrace only wanting to be respectful.

Gloria: What brings you by, you here to walk David to school?

David: Mom!

Y/N: Oh right, today's a school day for you. I forgot all about that. But since I need to talk to him then sure. I can walk him to school.

Gloria: You're such a sweet boy (Y/N). Tell your mother I said hello and maybe we can catch up some time.

Y/N: You know her. Always so damn busy, hardly has time for me and I'm her only kid.

Gloria: I'm sure she just overextends herself at the office. I know her, she's always been that type before. Anyway, keep David safe and feel free to stop by anytime you like.

Y/N: Thank you Gloria. Come on David.

  You walk off as David follows you with his hands in his pocket. As the two of you walk down the streets you notice the filth n this part of the city, while it may just be your rich blood, but you felt disgusted about the area.

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