Epilogue: The Harbinger

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  A few weeks later. . .

*Lucy's POV*

  That was unbelievable. Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong, all in the span of a single day. I stayed at (Y/N)'s place to watch his cats since after that night, he sort of just mentally shut down, so badly that he's bed ridden in the hospital. I've been keeping Shade and Ghost all taken care of, and checking up on him every time I can. I decided to move some of her stuff into the apartment, even bringing Gloria's ashes and David's jacket along, seeing as how (Y/N) was their family, he had the rights to their memories.

  *Knock Knock*

  I groggily sit up going to the door, wondering who exactly it was that would come here. Surely it wasn't for me, so maybe for him. Either way, I went to the door and opened it. As I am greeted by a woman in a wheel chair 

Nightingale: Hello Lucy, may we come in?

Lucy: Who are you exactly?

Nightingale: I am a friend and co-workers of (Y/N). I am Nightingale. I heard what happened and hopes to see him here.

Lucy: He's in the hospital right now. It'll be some time before he recovers, at least from what I heard last.

Nightingale: I extend my apologies to you as well Lucy. I know how much David meant to you. (Y/N) always talked about you both. I know his passing hurt you just as much as it did him.

Lucy: . . . Thank you. It means a lot. But, what do you want? I feel as though you came here with other intentions as well for (Y/N) mostly.

Nightingale: I only came to offer our condolences. Since I heard from (Y/N) that you wanted to go to the moon, so I feared he'd be all alone. Especially with his mother no longer being in the city.

  I grit my teeth at this a bit.

Lucy: So what? You think its stupid of me to go to the moon?

Nightingale: You misunderstand my words. We just didn't want (Y/N) to be alone. He thinks of you as a very close friend Lucy, basically family. The only family he has left in NC. But you were going to the moon he said. Talked about how much he'd miss you when you were gone.

  I stood up and lit a cigarette as I looked out the window. All I could think about at the time was going to the moon, leaving NC behind and just living my life up there. I'd be with David, and (Y/N) would have Rebecca. But that all fell apart. Though I never thought about how I'd be the last of his family to leave him if I went to the moon. IS that really what I want to do? Leave him all alone like that, and run away from my problems? That sounds selfish in the grand scheme of things, but what else would I even do. Just live in NC, waiting to die, struggling to survive? Or do what we did with Maine and the others. With just me, (Y/N), and Falco.

  Running my fingers through my hair, I just chuckle a bit as a tear runs down my cheek.

Lucy: Fuck. . . Damn, (Y/N).

  I think about all the memories we've had, all the times at the Afterlife, all the missions, all the personal talks that we've had. Everything we've done together just makes it hurt my heart all the further. Feeling my heart shatter a bit just imagining the pain he must be enduring right now, especially if it was enough to leave him comatose.

Lucy: I wanted to go to the moon. But I realized I mainly wanted to go to the moon with David. That would make it all the sweeter. I just wanted that experience to be shared with him. But, I just realized that my dream wasn't to go to the moon, at least that's not what it became. I wanted to go with David.

  Nightingale wheeled over to me as she lightly grasped my hand. I went to say something, but got a call. Seeing the collar ID was from the hospital answering it.

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