Chapter 4: Ghosts n Stuff

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  *Much time later*

  Doing some on and off stuff with the group was getting pretty fun, and paying well. Well for what the streets had to offer I guess. Though right now I was getting ready to head out for the night with the others. As I was getting dressed to walk out the door, I hear my mother in the kitchen, which was odd, normally she'd be asleep or at work. But I'd rather not walk out so late and have her asking questions. 

  As I waited I was just thinking on all the jobs I did with them while I was running with them. We did some pretty cool stuff I guess, a lot of dangerous jobs to, though I did get shot a lot since running with them. Had about seven new bullet holes in me since then, had to have the others help take some of them out of me, since I got shot in the back for like three of em. Though I admit, the more I got shot, the less the pain hurt. Had medical help at my personal cave from Lucy, since I invited her and David there, Lucy get's along with Ghost really well, and Shade with David.

  Hanging out with them in the Afterlife was pretty nova too. David really can't handle fizzy drinks, in the slightest. But it was fun, though I never really drank anything since I'd have to show my face to do that. Got to see some familiar faces like always, got to see Claire, and even though she was mostly to herself, saw Rogue there as well.

  Remember when me and David had to upgrade our tech to run with them better, though I didn't wanna go too cybernetic out of fear of Cyber Psychosis, so I only upgraded what I needed at the time, mostly upgraded my Monowire, my lungs, and my legs for more speed. Even got my optics refined with something a little home-made. It was cool since that meant I was the only one with eyes like mine, they just heightened my sight Also some reinforcements around my joints so I can handle people more often. I remember something else happened as well that kinda forced me to get an upgrade.


  I was caught in some pretty dense fire when a job to swipe some data from the Maelstrom went badly on my end. Kinda fucked up and got caught in a shoot out all on my own.

  I didn't use guns or anything besides my hands or monowire since I was such a shit shot, but I refused to die in a place like this. There was group of them raining hell on me, but I did my best to get out of the buildings by rushing out of the window, though I took a shot to the back making me stumble and fall onto the rafters above. They were not letting me breath easy either, still shootin at me from below. 

Y/N: 'Fuckin shit. This was not according to plan, not in the slightest.'

Maelstrom 1: Come out little kitty! We just wanna play!

  One says as he tosses a grenade at me. I rush to get out of the range, but I struggle to cling to the rafters for much longer. My claws gave in as I fell and crashed through a few other items.

  One of the Malestrom bastards planted their foot on me.

Maelstrom 2: Looks like you weren't as hard to handle as we thought, now say your prayers you little shi-

  I didn't give him time to finish, using my monowire to slice his leg off my chest, then lashing it out to sever his head. That left about only a dozen more more where I was, this was going to be a long run.

  Using his body, I snatched the pistol he had on his hip and aimed it at the others, firing off every shot, and I somehow managed to miss every single one.

Y/N: 'Oh what the fuck me.'

  Rushing behind some barrels I take whatever ammunition he had and reloaded. Let's try this again. Since you've already emptied the gun, you understand it's recoil, and got a feel for it's weight and mass.

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