Chapter 8: Therapy

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Months Later . . .

Nightingale: So. How are you feeling?

Y/N: Sad. Still.

Nightingale: How's your sleep?

Y/N: Lackluster? I think.

Nightingale: What do you do now? I remember some time ago you stopped being Hell Cat, but you still keep watch over the one known as David Martinez correct? Do you feel responsible for him and the others, even though you aren't their leader?

Y/N: . . .

Nightingale: I know these aren't the easiest to answer, but you need to be honest. I've already deducted you don't have Cyber Psychosis, but I've been examining you for almost a full year now. So what's your answer.

Y/N: I work for your overly mysterious boss sometimes, with David. And I also may work at Arasaka.

Nightingale: Sounds like a lot for one boy. 

Y/N: Hmm. I guess.

Nightingale: Any siblings?

Y/N: No. Well, no biological. David is my brother.

Nightingale: Friends?

Y/N: Lucy, Kiwi, Falco, Judy, Evelyn, and I guess by this time you and . . . That's all.

Nightingale: What's your connection to each one of them? 

Y/N: I met them in my life as Hell Cat, they were all friends and contacts that helped me do my missions better. Learned Netrunning from Kiwi, and some from Lucy, Falco taught me how to drive, Judy helped with special BD recording whenever I needed a job done, and Evelyn helped me meet Judy.

Nightingale: You seem very skilled. But how did you learn to fight?

Y/N: Through Self-Defense shards my mother provided. Through Evelyn I was able to get some that taught other Martial Arts or other ways of fighting. Such as Kendo, Iaidō, and Judo. I learned how to shoot by just doing math in my head before I take certain shots. Taking mass of the gun and all that into account before aiming then firing.

Nightingale: Smart boy. What about a girlfriend?

Y/N: Rebecca. Yeah she's cool.

Nightingale: Damn. All the cute ones are either taken, gay, or just fucked up. Seems you're 2 out of 3 in that department. How is she?

Y/N: We don't talk as much as we should. She helps David more actively now, I sense she cares for him a lot more now. Especially with all those "upgrades" he got. He always has to take on the roles that other's left behind. Now he's acting like the new Maine, and I don't care how built different he is, everyone has a limit. But whatever, when has anyone ever listened to me.

Nightingale: Hmm, you have great concern for your friends, but what about family life? Like your father.

Y/N: Don't know him. Mother always said he died, but never really leaned into it. I have no idea who he is or if he's even alive but she just described him as an older man. A fighter, and that's about it.

Nightingale: Your relationship with your mother?

Y/N: Well, depends on which one you mean. Biological, it started out that I barely got to see her. I always thought she didn't care about me, like she was a stranger who I shared blood with. But after I told her about the whole Hell Cat thing, she reprimanded me for it, understandably so. But she hugged me after giving me a firm slap across the face. She cried and held me close to where I could hear her heartbeat. Her quiet sobbing just happy that I was safe. As for my other mother, Gloria Martinez. She was the result of someone I could have saved. She was to my mother what David is to me now. But I feel like history is repeating. The two lost contact after my mother got serious with work and became an Arasaka Exec. But I still talked to her, she even made my birthdays brighter, with just her and David being there, that was all I needed. I loved her so much, I would have frozen hell over for her. But I couldn't save her.

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