Chapter 12: Death

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    Nightingale overlooked the city from her wheelchair, trying to call (Y/N), but sadly there was no answer. She continued staring off into the city as the blaring of cop cars could be heard.

Nightingale: Everything will be different after tonight won't it? Poor (Y/N). A boy with so many dreams to take fate into his own hands, yet only had everything stolen from him, being pulled by a leash even if he never knew.

???: You say it as though he has no time left.

Nightingale: I know (Y/N) will survive. He is too smart for that. And, especially what Misty told me. 

???: Oh? What was it she told you about him?

Nightingale: She did a little reading on him. The cards he got were, interesting to say the least.

  Nightingale wheeled herself over to a bottle as she poured a glass of wine.

Nightingale: But is it wrong for me to worry about him. His mother is going away for years, and he doesn't really have any family here in the city anymore. David is the only family he has left here. Along with the others. I remember when he saved me from the scavs, I didn't think too much about him. Just another merc in NC just doing it for the money, but you put that SOS out, and he took the job all on his own. I thought he was just a suicidal idiot, but he's actually a very sweet person. He has genuine emotions, emotions that normally don't last in NC. He actually reminds me of you boss.

???: . . . Hm, it  is a shame we can't help in all of this that's going on. (Y/N) is smart, but it's Arasaka. I had hoped to erase the files on both David and the Skeleton and set Arasaka back and give David more time, but this all happened too fast. I couldn't even so much as chip the ice with the time we had.

Nightingale: Neither could I. Just two runners who needed more time.

  The Boss walks over to the same window, overlooking the city, seeing this hellscape with her own eyes.

???: This city, it's really beautiful. Looking at it from above.

Nightingale: Yeah, I guess from a high point, even hell can look appealing. Though I am confused, you really think we can purify the city? Just the three of us?

???: In all honesty, I never thought I could change the whole city, but if I can make it at least a little safer, bit by bit, and undo the seeds and roots of corruption, then I'll do it. That way no one will have to live lives of sacrifice like the lives that we have lived. I just hope he survives this night. 

Nightingale: . . . Yeah. I hope so as well.


  The chase through the city has gone a lot more over the edge than needed. Davi dawned the Cyber Skeleton, and shit was way past hitting the fan. David laughed through the night as the bright lights above him in the city began to blend, as they mad him remember some things and events that played out from the past, as they drove through the same streets that you and David used to walk through.

Gloria: You have to work hard to rise through the ranks. My son at Arasaka Tower, top floor. I can just see it. You've got this D. Smartest person I know.

 Smartest person I know

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