Chapter 5: I Really Wanna Stay at Your House

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Y/N: *cough cough* 

  You stand leaning against a wall with your hands covered in blood. Staring at the vomit you just spat up on the floor as fires raged in the distance behind you. You felt off, and in no particular good way.


David: Sorry for dropping by unexpected. Just wanted to see if you were alright.

  You lightly turned to see David, scanning the surrounding area around to see if he was alone, which he was. 

David: Whoa. Like the new helmet. Makes you live up to your name.

  A sudden meow rings out as their attention is brought to the two cats

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  A sudden meow rings out as their attention is brought to the two cats. Shade seems fine with David as he brushes up against his legs. Shade seemed to really like him too. Ghost mostly just stayed hidden behind you as you were sharpening something. David peaks over your shoulder as he gasps at what you were doing.

David: Whoa, you got a sword now?

  He was referring to your latest addition to your arsenal.

  He was referring to your latest addition to your arsenal

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  You take your helmet off and turn to David. Your nose lightly dripping blood.

David: What happened to you?

Y/N: Mistakes were made. Got carried away on a job. Took a hit to the face.

David: Thought that's what the helmet is for.

Y/N: . . . Yeah. I'm not sure. It feels weird to go on missions now. It's like whenever I do, it's all a blur. Not sure how to explain it. But enough about me. What is it you require of me?

David: Just wanted to see how you were. Also, Becca won't stop asking about you. Was gonna see if you wanted to hit the Afterlife with us then just chill. You know, usual stuff.

Y/N: . . . .

David: You got other plans? 

Y/N: . . . . No. I can go. Let's do that. I could use the relaxation.

  You strap the sword to you back and put some food in Ghost and Shade's food bowls.

Y/N: You two be good. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

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