Chapter 6: I Caught Your Eye Bird of Prey

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*David's POV*

Kimiko: Thank you for coming David. It's a pleasure to see you after so many years. Again I apologize for Gloria's death. I wish I got to speak with her before she passed.

David: Oh it's fine Miss (L/N), honestly it's fine. I'm doing better now.

  (Y/N) told me that his mother wanted to talk to the both of us, must be important if she wants me there too. Though I did find it odd for her to ask for me, I haven't spoken to her in a while, since me and (Y/N) were younger. I sat on the couch across from his mom. Gotta admit, she seemed even scarier now then before, especially without (Y/N) here, and it just being me and her.

Kimiko: (Y/N) left a message saying he was busy working on a passion project of his in the city so he couldn't be here, but I'd liek you to extend this message to him as well. Anyway, I know you are probably confused, but I can assure you that you both are in no trouble. I am aware (Y/N) has been out with you a lot, helping you through your time, soul searching a bit.

David: Umm, y-yeah. He's been a big help.

Kimiko: Glad he's got a caring spirit. Anyway, I wanted to talk to both of you because I want to extend an offer. One that'll keep you both safe and out of harms way. I want you both to start working under me at Arasaka.

  I choked for a minute, thinking she was just joking, but I was surprised to hear this, and a little worried about saying no. In her eyes I'm just a street kid with no other place to go. It's weird to imagine that she would want someone like me under her anyway.

Kimiko: I know it seems sudden, but. *sigh* Gloria was like a sister to me David, and I know how much she meant to (Y/N) as well. You're like family, and therefore I want what's best for you. Both of you. Since he isn't here, can you please pass the message along?

David: Yes Ma'am.

  With that I left the apartment. Had to meet up with Maine with a lead we had on Tanaka.

  I really didn't want to say no, but I couldn't think of anything else to say to her at the time. Damn I wish (Y/N) was there. Where the hell is he?



  You rush at the scav with great speed as you slice his throat with your claws before he could pull the trigger of his gun. A couple more scavs rush in to shoot at you, but you lash out your wire and sever their arms before they could do anything, leaving them screaming and bleeding out on the ground.

Y/N: 'Fucking dammit Pilar! Had to go and get flatlined by some gonk with a chromed dick!'

  You take out your sword and stab a scav through the wall as it enters through the back of his head  and out his mouth.

Y/N: 'How many people gotta die on me huh? Gloria, then Pilar, who the hell else is next. Who else is this city gonna take from me?'

  A few more scavs rush at you as you hold your head from the pain and pressure you were feeling. You throw the sword into one of the scavs as it goes through his head and pins him to the wall. You rush at the two and slice their throats with great speed.

Y/N: 'But dammit Gloria. I could have saved her. I could have saved them all. God dammit!'

  You feel your vision get fuzzy with static as the last scav is left shaking in his boots shakily aiming a pistol at you. You turn with fury in your eyes as your vision blacks out for a second, as if the lights all went out, then once you came to, you saw that the same scave was gutted like a fish on the ground.

  Coughing escapes your mouth as you quickly remove your helmet and vomit on the floor. Your breathing is heavy and erratic as your vision feels scattered and fucked up. You hold your head trying to hold it together.

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