Chapter 7: Never Enough

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  *David's POV*

  I sat in Lucy's apartment just staring out the window thinking about everything. Things have been going good so far, but (Y/N)'s been worrying me for the most part. It's been a few days and I haven't heard from him, I know it's only a few days, but still. He's been too quiet even for my taste.

  Next thing I knew, I got a call from Falco telling us that me and Lucy were needed. Kinda last minute.

  I got dressed and woke up Lucy who was seeming pretty down and out of it. I wonder if it has anything to do with those anonymous calls she got before. But I didn't wanna pry too much into her life. 

*Time Skip*

  Sitting across from Dorio and Maine I was confused about everything that was going on. Apparently something happened and Kiwi is out of commission for the data.

Lucy: I can't believe this shit.

David: Huh? You sayin Kiwi is out of commission? How? She was workin Tanaka right? Somethin go way south?

Dorio: Should ask the Gonk next to me.

Maine: Fuck off.

Dorio: Maine punched her out. She ran into some ICE that snagged her and he lost it.

Lucy: Sounds to me like Maine needs to get HIS head checked.

  Maine turns irritated at Lucy's words.

Dorio: Easy Maine. Next time you start losin it-

  Maine just stand up and leaves the room. Clearly fed up with whatever was going on.

David: Wait. Losin it?

Dorio: That's right. Cyberpsychosis. 

  This was a bad news. There was no way Maine was gonna go cyber psycho. But similar things happen with (Y/N) sometimes too. They both lose it and go crazy, at least that's what Maine did with Kiwi. But, neither of them could have Cyber Psychosis.  I rush after Maine in the hall to check on him.

David: Maine hold up. Dorio told me. You know. . . But. . . You're gonna be alright, right? You're not gonna end up like-

Maine: Alright? What's that mean "alright"? Huh kid? Not a cyberpsycho?

  Maine turns and storms over to me.

Maine: What? You think I might be losing my grip?

David: Maine, I didn't mean to-

MAine: Do me a solid and lay off. Mind your own biz for a fuckin change.

  Before I could react, Maine slapped me against the wall. The force was surprising, and I could tell he was really pissed off.

Maine: Think you're hot shit cause your faster than me? Because you got that Sandevistan. One that was supposed to be mine?

  He walks away sown the hall as I just groan and go back to Lucy and Dorio. But in case this whole thing goes south, I think we could use some help.


  You get a call and see the collar ID is from David. 

Y/N: What?

David: Hey, you busy?

  While the others were out getting the data from Tanaka, you handled your own missions from this strange caller that you encountered after saving Nightingale. Mostly involved the scavs and a few cyber psychos. All causing a new injury, and you didn't want to go back home just yet, so you decided to make a stop somewhere else to get patched up roughly before going back out.

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