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If Kylo Ren wasn't avoiding her before, he certainly was now. She hadn't seen him for several days since the incident in the training facility. She wasn't sure if she even wanted to, she had no idea what to say to him. She was still angry, furious even, but part of her longed to see that glimpse of that gentle humanity in him again. She had hoped that him physically assaulting her would be enough for her to get him off of her mind but it only did the opposite. She replayed the soft brown shade from black his eyes turned when he saw her in her head constantly. 

He had his hand around your neck, Astraea. 

She stood in front of the mirror, staring at the deep hand-shaped purple bruise that occupied the circumference of her neck. It was still very tender and painful, even turning her head ached. She had a mission planning meeting in the war room today. She couldn't turn up with this bruise on show. She thought about what she could wear but thankfully she remembered putting the red silk scarf in her wardrobe when she was unpacking. 

She opened the wardrobe, the red scarf standing out in the sea of colours. She grabbed it and twisted it around her neck, looking back at herself in the mirror to adjust it to hide the bruise. She sighed out a breath of relief, she didn't want General Hux to see. She knew he'd just make a snide remark or blow it out of proportion. She didn't want either. She adjusted her hair quickly before setting off towards the war room, dread filling her stomach as she knew Kylo Ren would be there. She was even more confused about him than before. 

She entered the war room and took her seat, greeting Captain Phasma who sat beside her. General Hux and Kylo Ren hadn't arrived yet. Astraea picked up the datapad in front of her, her eyes skimming over the brief. The scavenger and the traitor that had been mentioned many times before- this was the first time she had ever seen what they look like. 

They were both young, possibly about the same age as her. The files stated that the First Order had finally located them and they were to be apprehended as soon as possible. This must have been what today's planning meeting was about. 

She looked up as General Hux and Kylo Ren walked in at the same time, a look of annoyance on Hux's face. Hux took the seat at the top of the table, and Kylo seated himself in the seat across from her. Great, she thought to herself. She could feel his hot stare through the helmet, she avoided his stare, looking down at the datapad. 

"We have finally located the whereabouts of the traitor, FN-2187 and the Scavenger from Jakku, also known as Rey. We have multiple reports from contacts that they are meeting with Maz Kanata in her castle, located on the planet of Takodana, on the shore of Nymeve Lake. Kanata is an infamous smuggler and her castle harbours many that subscribe to the same set of beliefs are herself. They are believed to have been transported there by Han Solo in the Millennium Falcon." Hux paused, his eyes darting to Kylo for a second. Astraea looked up at Kylo and instantly felt the tension radiate off of him. Did he and this Han Solo have a history? 

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