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The Resistance's plan to destroy Starkiller Base seemed sound

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The Resistance's plan to destroy Starkiller Base seemed sound. It had to be destroyed to protect Olympia. 

The most interesting thing was that General Leia Organa did not want Kylo Ren on the base when it was destroyed. She still had hope that her son would return to her. Astraea had a feeling the hope may have been misplaced but she wanted to believe. 

Astraea was to return to Starkiller Base before the attack so she didn't attract suspicion. The general and her associates, Poe and Finn, described the attack and where they would bomb so Astraea wouldn't be injured. Rey would also be rescued in this time by Finn and Kylo's father, Han Solo. She wanted to help them but if she was caught she'd be on the chopping block. 

All Astraea had to do was make sure that she got Kylo Ren off of the base. 

Once the talks about the war and the mission were over, Astraea and her sisters sat down for dinner. It had been so long since she was able to enjoy her sister's company and she wasn't sure when she would again. She would have to return to the base at dawn so she wanted to savour the time she had before it was too late. 

The food on Olympia was colourful and flavourful, unlike the slop she had most nights on the base. She sighed peacefully as she ate from different parts of her plate, a sense of relaxation filling her body.

The sisters were talking amongst themselves, a lot had happened in a short space of time. 

"This Kylo Ren, he was the one who was wearing the mask when they arrived here, right?" Hera asked, plucking Astraea out of her trance. Astraea nodded, swallowing a mouthful of food. "He was quite the handsome man, despite being so evil," Aphrodite added, a toothy grin pulling her lips upwards. Astraea rolled her eyes, this kind of talk wasn't unusual for Aphrodite. "What's he like, Astraea? Do you speak with him often?" Persephone asked, placing her fork down on her plate and staring at Astraea. She knew this was going to happen.

Astraea sighed, looking at her sisters with a knowing look. "He's the only one who talks to me on that base and that's being generous. He isn't a man of many words. He's rude and deeply violent but..." Astraea trailed off. 

"You can't keep us hanging like this!" Artemis exclaimed, tossing a pea that narrowly missed her head. Demeter shook her head, sighing. Demeter was the oldest and couldn't be bothered with the antics of her younger sisters. "What? I don't get to fraternise with the opposite sex as Astraea does all day! Let me live vicariously through her." Artemis huffed, though her lips formed a small smirk. 

"There is absolutely nothing stopping you from 'fraternising' with the nobles and finding yourself one, Artemis." Luna chuckled, Artemis raising an eyebrow at her. "I don't care about the nobles. I want to hear about Astraea! She clearly has other thoughts about this man. What were you going to say?" Artemis exclaimed, her eyes landing on Astraea again. "Does he like you?"

Astraea laughed. "If you mean in a friendly way, then I suppose. He clearly has a soft spot for me." Astraea giggled, Artemis' face lighting up. "How do you know?" 

Images of him assaulting her and then healing her popped into her mind to contradict the words she just spoke. He was gentle though. He clearly cared about her well-being and felt guilty for hurting her. It was probably best not to elaborate. "Something for me." Astraea mused, knowing it would wind Artemis up more. "You're terrible. I want more details!"

The sisters feasted late into the night, chatting about their lives and asking Astraea a million questions. She had missed her sisters so much. She missed having them around to talk to, to share her thoughts. Working with the First Order had brought her so much isolation. 

She couldn't wait to sleep in her bed for the first time in months. The morse-code device in her pocket felt almost a part of her, she knew working with the Resistance was the right thing to do. Leia had told her she wasn't responsible for what happens to Kylo Ren but this was something she wanted to succeed at.

She knew there was a gentle person in the deep depths of Kylo Ren and she would find him.

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