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Astraea sat in one of the drawing rooms that had been set up as a dining room for herself and Kylo, sipping a deep red wine from a crystalline glass

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Astraea sat in one of the drawing rooms that had been set up as a dining room for herself and Kylo, sipping a deep red wine from a crystalline glass. She had been waiting for him for at least ten minutes and was starving. She caught up with the rest of her sisters before dinner, Demeter expressing her displease with Kylo Ren being here. She worried that he would find out about their ties to the Resistance. She assured her that he didn't suspect a thing but it didn't ease Demeter's mind. 

She looked up as a guard opened one of the double doors, ushering a tall brooding Kylo Ren after him. His eyes shifted as they met hers, his boots loud on the marble floors and he walked over to the table to pull out his chair to sit. 

"What took you so long?" Astraea asked, raising an eyebrow. He pulled his chair closer to the table, shifting in the velvet chair. "I was in your library. Lost track of time." He muttered, pulling the leather gloves from his fingers and placing them on the table gently. She smiled lightly, leaning on the table slightly. "Did you find anything of interest?" She asked, swirling the wine in her glass. 

His eyes trailed around the room at the detailed cornice on the ceiling before landing on the orbs of light that floated in the corners of the room. "Olympia has never experienced war?" Kylo pondered, reaching for a glass for himself. She shook her head. "There are forces at work that we will never understand and they choose indiscriminately who will be the strongest, to rule Olympia's land. We have councils all over the planet to ensure the voices of the less powerful are heard. Wealth is not hoarded." She spoke, almost as a jab at the First Order. Olympia was how she believed things should be. Forcing people under the rule of one organisation was not right.

He tilted his head at her words, not missing her tone. "You believe the First Order is wrong?" He asked lowly. He didn't seem angry which was astounding since something like this would have set him off before. She still had to choose her words correctly. 

She looked behind him as the doors opened, servants serving their plates. She stayed quiet until the servants left, only speaking to thank them. 

"I never said that. The First Order can rule however they see fit. However, Olympians must have the right to choose their fate. They cannot choose who will rule- that is true- but they can have a say on how we rule." She answered, lifting her fork to begin her meal. He mirrored her, looking down at the colourful plate.  She had to change the subject. She couldn't slip up in front of him. 

"I got my hands on an ointment from Aphrodite that will heal your wounds faster. I'll bring it to your quarters later." She divulged, reaching to refill her wine glass. She probably should have refrained from another glass but it wasn't often she got to drink one of Demeter's wines. It had a rich grape flavour that was sweet but also bitter- Demeter tirelessly worked to ensure her grapes were of the highest standard. 

He nodded, shovelling food into his mouth. He was also clearly very hungry too. "I still have questions." He questioned, taking a crystal wine glass for himself and filling it with Demeter's wine. She gave him a knowing look, motioning him to continue. 

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