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Astraea and Kylo were taken to the Finalizer after they were picked up by The First Order. The base blew up moments after.

Kylo was rushed to the hospital wing where he was induced into a coma to allow his severe wounds to heal. He had been through a lot.

Astraea visited him every day, it was coming up on a week since they arrived on the Finalizer. She was utterly bored as always. She had sat through several strategy meetings and even received a message from the Supreme Leader himself.

He thanked her for her service and saving his apprentice's life. She didn't think it was justified since she only closed his wounds to get him moving but a nurse had told her that if she hadn't had done that, he wouldn't have lived.

She didn't like being responsible for 'saving' a life any more than she liked taking them. Being Queen on Olympia gave her the duty to protect her people but due to their hidden presence, she didn't have much to protect them from.

When she visited Kylo in the hospital wing, she continued to heal him. He had enough scars, she hoped her power could lessen them for him. She shuddered thinking about how he had ruthlessly killed his father, a cold sharp reminder of his depravity.

She looked up as a nurse let herself into Kylo's hospital room, fear in her eyes. Astraea cast her a soft smile, she hated the constant fear she was surrounded by.

"Is it alright if I check Commander Ren's vitals, Queen Astraea?" The nurse asked quietly. Astraea shook her head. "There's no need to ask me. I'm not his keeper." She laughed softly. The nurse visibly relaxed, stepping over towards Kylo.

She tapped the screen of the machine Kylo was hooked up to, hastily scribbling notes on her clipboard. "When do you think he'll wake?" Astraea asked, glancing to Kylo's bandaged sleeping form.

"Any day now, my Queen." The nurse bowed her head. Relief flooded her veins. "There's no need to address me formally. What's your name?" Astraea asked, looking back at the nurse. "R-Reze." She stuttered, looking down at the white floor.

"Nice to meet you, Reze. Thank you for everything you've done for him." Astraea spoke, smiling at the nurse. "Though, I doubt you'll get many thanks from him. He's quite the cold individual." Astraea mused.

"Oh, I don't expect any gratitude from anyone, e-especially high ranking officials. I'm just doing my job." Reze spoke, clutching the clipboard to her chest.

"I'm sorry, but I have to attend to other injured from the attack. Please do let me know if you or Commander Ren need anything." Reze bowed her head to Astraea again before quickly hurrying out of the room.

Astraea sighed, she wished she had friends here other than Kylo. She wasn't even sure if he regarded her as a friend.

The image of herself embracing him on Starkiller Base before he left her flooded her mind. He returned it- not quite how she did- but he still did. If he didn't care about her, he wouldn't have told her to flee Starkiller.

She glanced at him again. He didn't have a shirt on due to the wounds on his shoulder and torso that were wrapped in pure white bandages. Her eyes ran down his toned arms, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

She found it hard to deny that he was attractive. It was surprising to see such a cruel person inside such a handsome body. She wasn't in love with him or anything, but she couldn't deny that she felt something for him. She felt ridiculous for feeling that way since she'd only known him several months and most times they talked, he was cold.

As much as he tried, he wasn't every good at hiding his feelings either. His voice would say one thing but his expression or his eyes would tell her everything she needed to know. Perhaps, that was how he wanted it. She knew he wasn't a man of many words.

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