Chapter 7: CoCo

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While we were walking out of the mall it didn't seem like J was anywhere.

"So what are we getting for lunch then?" Sylvia asks.

"I don't know. I asked Uncle before I came here about what he wanted for lunch, but he just said anything with meat." I respond.

"He such a useless guy!" She shouts.

"Clam down." Trying to calm her wasn't the easier thing ever. By all means even though I'm her best friend, I got to admit that her personally isn't the best.

Once we stop at a stoplight, I look around to see if J was anywhere in sight.

Nope, it doesn't seem like he is anywhere around.

Once we got to the grocery store, I looked around to see if anything was on sale.

"What do you think about meatball subs?" Sylvia asks.

"That sounds good, but let me go buy some tuna, it seems to be on sale." I say. As Sylvia and I walk through the store, I notice that the store seems to be a lot more empty then usually. Usually around this time on Saturdays, there are many people doing their errands.

Once I got to the aisle that sells fish, I saw a cat staring at the tuna. Without a another thought I knew it was J.

As I walked up to him, I put my hand on top of his head. No response. I pull his ears, nothing. Then I covered his eye with my hands.

"Wait who turn off the lights? Is it night time already? Is the store closed?" He panics.

"No silly it's just me." I whisper.

"How long have you been here?"

"Not long."

"Are you buying tuna, cause I want tuna."

"I can tell by the way your looking at it. It looks like you could eat the whole box of it."

"I did not!" he squeals. I giggle a little since he kinda started to sound like a 5 year old kid.

"Don't worry. I was going to by it in the first place."

Once we were on our way to my house, I pass the park to find Tashi still playing with the dog.

"Tashi!" I follow Sylvia as she walks up to Tashi.

"What are you guy doing here?" He asks.

"We're on our way to Violet's place. Anyway shouldn't you be going home soon? It's almost lunch time." Sylvia asks.

"There nothing left at home for me to eat, and I don't want buy lunch with the money that I've saved up."

"You can come with me then, and eat Violet's place." Sylvia says.

"Wait...What?" She just the decided without my consent.

"It's fine since you alway cook more than we eat." she says.


"Now come on let's go." Sylvia shouts. As we walk out of the park, I look behind us and notice that CoCo was actually following us. I slow down little the little puppy catch up.

"CoCo what are you doing?" Tashi asks.

"Hey Tashi I've been thinking about this, but do you think I can keep CoCo as my pet? I'm sure my Uncle would be fine with it. He does love dogs a lot."

"Please say no, I don't want a dog in the house!" J begs.

"I think that is a great idea since it's better than leaving her out here. Plus winter is coming soon and I doubt this little guy would survive it."

"Come on CoCo I'm take you to a new home." I say as I proceed pick up CoCo and made Sylvia carry the groceries.

"Why am I carrying this?" she complains.

"Cause I'm cooking." Once we reach my place, and I walk through the door, I notice that it is really quite.

"You guys can hang out in the living room. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. By the way, do guys want anything to drink?"

"Two glass of ice tea please." Sylvia responds. Walking into the kitchen, I knew for sure something was off. The kitchen smelled like the leftovers from a week ago. Covering my mouth and my nose, I see Uncle in front of the stove trying to cook up some kind of death potion.

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

"Oh you're back Violet. Can't you tell? I'm cooking!" he exclaims.

"Yea. Cooking a potion of death" I say rolling my eyes. "Uncle, please get out and let me cook. You know you can't cook." Looking at what he was cooking... I say "Uncle is this suppose to ramen?"

"Of course." He responds.

"Please don't cook any more." I sigh.


"Nothing." Once I got Uncle to clean everything, I told him to get out of the kitchen. Once I started chopping up the ingredients, I hear loud footsteps that sounded like it was heading to the kitchen. Looking behind me, I see Uncle there. I looked at him as if he was crazy, but didn't speak.

"Why is there a boy in the living room?" He asks.

"He's Sylvia's cousin." I answer.

"Why is he here?"

"Well, he hasn't had lunch yet, so I invited him here for lunch."

Then, walking up to me, Uncle whispers in my ear, "Be careful with that kid."

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