Chapter 5: A Boy's Grandmother

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Right there I notice that I was still in my bedroom, sitting there on my bed in my pajama. Then at the corner of my bed, J was laying there sleeping. Looking out the window next to my bed, the sun was out bright. Bright...Wait! I grab my phone and check the time. 8:45! Oh no I'm late!

"What's going on?" J asks while wakes up.

"I'm late!"

Once I got ready I went downstairs with J following me looking very sleepy, I found my uncle sitting there at the couch.

"Uncle, why are you still home!?" I ask.

"What are you talking about, it's a Saturday." He answers.

"What!" I check my phone and looked at the date, September 26, Saturday 9:00 a.m.

"Guess I wasn't in the right mind." Then I just splat myself on the coach. Guess I can take the day to relax.

I went back to my bedroom to change out of my uniform. Then I came back downstairs and went up to the fridge to see if there anything to cook of lunch. Chess, eggs, leftovers from two nights ago, disgusting!

I grab the bowl and throw out the food. Then I went to clean out the fridge for a good half hour.

"Hey what do you want for lunch?" I ask uncle.

"Anything that has meat." Nice response, that is going to be helpful.

"Anyway I'm going out shopping. I'll be back around 12:30." I grab my bag and wave goodbye and text Sylvia if she wants to meet up at the park. With a quick response, she text me back and says "Sure!".

Half way there Sylvia texts me she would be a little late since she just got off of her part-time job.

Once I got to the park I found someone that had look familiar...

"Violet, nice meeting you here. Are you meeting someone?" It's Tashi.

"Yea I'm here to meet one of my friends. What about you?" I ask.

"I'm here to meet this guy." He held up a little puppy. The little puppy looks very dirty.

J, standing next to me says with a sense of disgust,"Dogs! I can't stand them. It's even worse with the fact that they can see me. I'm going to leave." J jumps on to a tree and left the park.

"Is he your's?" I ask.

"No, I wish I could, but my Auntie isn't good with animals. That's why I always come here and see him." He holds the puppy with a big child like smile on him.

While I was waiting for Sylvia, I talk with Tashi, and I play with the puppy.

"Hey have you name this dog?" I ask.

"Now I think about it. I haven't. Why don't you name him. I mean you thought of giving her name first anyway."

"How about CoCo." I suggest.

"That would be cute. She does have pretty brown eyes like you." He says with a big smile.

I blush a bit. "Thanks for the compliment..." I say.

"Sorry, but still it is a good name for her. Come here CoCo."

Looking up he yelled " CoCo!" The little puppy ran right towards us.

"Looks like she already know her name." I joke.

"Violet! There you are!" Looking around me, Sylvia was standing there. "Tashi what are you doing here? Aren't suppose to be at cram school?" she asks.

"I might of skip it. Please don't tell Auntie." He begs her.

"How do you know Tashi has cram school today?" I ask.

"I forgot to tell you. Tashi and I are cousins."

"What? Why haven't you told me?"

"Cause when ever I want to, there would be people around." she explains.


"Cause it would be troublesome when girls want to give him anything and they want me give it to him." She says with a sigh.

"Oh... that makes sense." I say. After all, Sylvia is a pretty lazy person.

"By the why I won't tell mom if you buy both of us some ice-cream." she says.


"You don't have to buy any for me I'm not in the mood for ice-cream." I say. It's not that I'm not in the mood for ice-cream cause I always love my sweets, it's just that I don't want him to spend money on me, because of Sylvia.

"I know you want some. Anyway, let's go." he grabs my hand and we were on our way to the Honey Cream.

"Hey wait for me." Sylvia shouts.

Once we arrive at ice-cream shop in town, and we get seated on a bench, Tashi was already going to get our ice cream.

"I'll be right back." Tashi says.

"Does he know what we want?" I ask Sylvia.

"Don't worry, he always knows what everyone wants." Sylvia says.

Then a voice had appeared in my head 'Hey you want a size do want?' It was Tashi.

'Why are you inside of my head?!'

'Well it's that my powers.' Oh yeah, I had forgotten about that.

'Just forget it. I'll have a small.'

I almost forgot that he was able to do that. I wonder is Sylvia knows any about this.

5 minutes later, Tashi came back with three small cups full of ice-cream. One was a chocolate chip ice-cream, another was a mint flavored ice-cream, and the last one was filled with vanilla ice-cream with caramel fudge, and three spoons.

"Here take the one with chocolate chips Sylvia, that one is mine, and this one is your's Violet." He says as he hands me the one that had the caramel fudge. "And here's your spoons."

"Thanks." I say. The whole time we were eating . I was having a conversation with Tashi and Sylvia. Once we finish, Tashi decides to come with us to the mall. On our way to the mall I saw J strolling around the street.

"Violet!" J yells as he came up to me.

"I'll be right back ok. I forgot to get something. I'll text you when I'm coming back." I say to Sylvia.

Once J came up to me, he suddenly sniffs me.

"You had ice-cream without me!" He shouts.

"Sorry. I didn't know where you went." I apologize to him.

"Umm young lady can you see me?" Turning around there was the ghost of a granny that I usually see around Tashi.


"Oh I'm so happy that I can finally talk to someone! I saw you talk to the cat that seemed to be like a ghost too. Anyway I want to ask you if you're able to help me pass on."

"I would love too, but I want to ask you something? Not to be rude, it I seems that you are usually around Tashi. By any chance did you know him when you were alive?"

"Why yes, I'm so glad you asked. I'm actually Tashi's grandmother."

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