Chapter 10: Back to The Dream World

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  I was back to the same dream again. Everything looks like what I had remember. Clouds were everywhere, and there were buildings that looked like Roman structures. I guess Levi has the be here somewhere.

"Levi, where are you!" I shouted. Nothing.

"I know you are here, so do not hide." Still nothing. At this point I just started looking for him. By all means, I know I'm not going to get lost anyway. After all, it was only dream that Levi made for me. I might have only met him once, but there is something about him that seems somewhat familiar.

As I walked around this dream world, I notice that it was getting a bit darker. I wonder if I'm just imagining it? As I walk farther down the path I notice that there was a building that was different compared to the others. I keeped studying it to find out what is was that was different. Suddenly I notice, the other building's door knob was gray,but this one instead, gold. I wonder what is in there?

As I got closer to the door, the more I wanted to open the door. Should I? I mean this after all a world Levi created, it would be that bad right? As I put my hand on the door knob, I feel a bit nervous. I wonder why? Once I open the door I felt a little dizzy...









"Violet, Violet wake up?" I heard a familiar voice. It was that of a male's. I wonder who this is? I slowly started to open my eyes. In front of me wasn't my uncle, it was a boy that looked 9. For some reason the boy looked somewhat like Levi.

"Levi?" I quietly say. The boy made a weird face.

"That's weird, you never call me by that. Anyway come on let's go." Wait what is he talking about? What else have I called him as? Is this guy really Levi, but he looks younger.

"To where?" I ask.

"Home, duh. We are having your favorite meal for dinner tonight." I'm really confused, even so I still follow the boy, that I assume is Levi.

After walking only for a bit the boy turn to the left corner, and I follow. Right there in front of me was a house that looked somewhat familiar. Again I couldn't remember where I had seen a house like this. I started to feel dizzy again, later lost conscious.

"Hey Violet, wake up. What are you doing at this part of the world?" This time the voice was for sure Levi. I opening my eyes, and notice I was back where I open the door, and Levi was standing right next to me.

"Where am I?" I ask

"Were at the unstable part of this world. I may have created a world, but whenever a world created there is always an unstable part of it. That's where we are now. Now come one let's get going. Who knows what is going to happen here."

Right before, we were about to leave. I turn back to look at the door once more, but notice the door wasn't there. What is going on now?

"Ok we should be good here." Levi said, as we step into a brighter place. I look at him wondering if I him about all the buildings and doors, and about the one boy that looked like a younger version of him.

"Is there something you need?" Levi asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Umm, yea about the-"

"Sorry looks like time is running out, how about we talk about this next time." Same thing as last time, I happen to be drag back to the real world the Same way I did last time.

*Ring-ring, ring-ring*

Waking from a call on my cell phone, I looked over and grab my phone to see who it was.

9:15- Missed call: Uncle

1 New Voicemail

I guess he forgot something at home. I got up and see if Sylvia was still sleeping, and she still was. For all I know she is a really deep sleeper. I grab my stuff and headed to the bathroom to get ready.

Once I got ready and was about to headed to the kitchen, Sylvia had just woken up, and walked out the door.

"Hey, good morning!" I greeted her.

"Hey..." she said with a sleep tone. "What are we eating for breakfast?" she ask.

"I'm thinking about having waffles." I respond.

"Do think I can have pancakes instead?"


Once I was done making breakfast for us and set up the table, I grab my phone and listen to the voicemail that was left.

"Hey Violet if you're wondering what to feed CoCo, don't worry I bought some dog food and put in the bottom cabinet, and I bought other stuff for her too. That stuff is on the table in the living room. Also once you're done feeding her, can you go pick up some stuff for me at the mail office and drop it off at my office. Bye, and see you later."


"So who was that?" Sylvia said as she walk into the room.

"Just a voicemail from my uncle." I replied as I sat down in my seat.

"Has he still not been able to learn the whole process of texting?" she said, grabbing a seat.

"Nope. He thinks it's better to hear the person he's talking to through the cell phone compared to just sending them a message. I'm actually kinda glad that he rather call than text. "

"Why? It more easier to get text messages." She asked.

"Well this is my uncle we're talking about. Imagine all the unwanted messages that he send me." I answered.

"Ok, I guess you're right there."

"Yep. Alright let's eat. After that I'll going to go walk CoCo in the nearby park and do some enren for my uncle." I said as I grabbed a seat across from Sylvia.

"Oh I'll come with you!" Sylvia replied as she stuff her mouth full with food.

"Please finish chewing before talking. You know I don't like that habit of yours." I said with disgust.

"Whoops, sorry." she said, swallowing her food.

"Well you can't help it after all." I said laughing.

After we we're done eating. Sylvia and I got ready.

"Hey do have a leash for CoCo?" Sylvia asked.

"Yea. Apparently my uncle bought one along with the dog food."


"CoCo!" as soon as I called that name the dog ran straight to us.

"She's such a good dog."

"Yep, and a cutie." I agreed as I attached to the leash the collar that my uncle had brought for her.

*Ding Dong*

"Huh looks like it could be the mailman." Sylvia said.

"It's Sunday dummy." I replied, as I open up the door.


Standing there was Zac.  

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