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Atlanta, GAAugust 2ndFriday

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Atlanta, GA
August 2nd

Mulan watched as the two Hispanic men carry out the last piece of her sectional couch. She followed behind them down the stairs of her apartment complex to the small Uhaul truck that she rented.

Luckily she didn't have to bring it back to Atlanta and was able to just take it to a Uhaul company down in Dallas. Only because the same person of the company owns a Uhaul business in Dallas.

"Gracias!" She smiled after they finished putting it neatly in the truck along with the rest of her things. "That's everything?" Jayda came behind her with a black neck pillow around her neck.

Mulan nodded, watching them close the back of the truck and lock it "Yep, I think they're about to hook my car on the back to the trailer and we should be ready to go" She spoke before covering her mouth to yawn.

She was extremely tired and exhausted.

It was currently 7 AM in Atlanta. Very early compared to the time she usually wakes up in the morning. She and Jayda had an eleven-hour and thirteen-minute drive ahead of them to Dallas. They already have their snacks and things ready along with a playlist made by Mulan.

This road trip wasn't anything to Mulan since she drove to Dallas a few times to visit Jayda. She had a bad fear of flying that's why she drove most places if she traveled. She put so many miles on her silver-colored 2016 Mazada6 that she was gifted as a graduation present from her parents in high school.

She needed a new car too but was going to run her car now until the wheels fall off.

"You hired movers for when we get there too? I kno' two people that could help us" Jayda spoke, walking over to the passenger side of the Uhaul and Mulan walked to the driver's side.

"Yeah. They work for the Uhaul company that I have to return the truck to. They're coming tomorrow morning after I sign my lease" She spoke as they climbed in the truck.

It seemed as if the universe was working in Mulan's favor or God had seen her struggle for so long with her toxic situation. Blessings on top of blessings.

She found a two-bedroom and two full-bathroom luxury apartment in the same complex as Jayda. She was super excited about it, it had a pool. From her condo, she had a beautiful view of the pool area. She had a balcony that she couldn't wait to decorate since she never had a balcony before. New appliances, and hardwood floors.

She personally liked having hardwood better because she hated carpets and cleaning carpets.

The new condo was so much bigger than the one she was leaving. She also did it on her own without someone else watching over her. She had to do virtual viewing but it was okay with her because Jayda made sure they were legit.

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