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😗sorry for any mistakes

Dallas, TXMarch 14th Friday

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Dallas, TX
March 14th

Samir held Miracle's smaller hand in his larger one as she walked on the inside of the sidewalk and he walked on the outside. "Are you ready to talk about why you bit that boy at daycare?" He broke the silence they have been walking in as they took their daily walk around his neighborhood.

He discovered fast that Miracle loved any activity that pertained to walking or running. She also loved being outside despite the hot or cold weather.

Samir made these walks a thing after he picked her up from daycare, they will do one walking lap around the neighborhood before they head to the gym.

She enjoyed their walks.

"He mean, I bite," She shrugged, swinging their hands back and forth. 

Tucking his lips inside of his mouth, Samir attempted to preserve his laughter inside of himself. The situation wasn't funny at all but how nonchalant she was about biting another child at school had him weak. He knew if his child was the one to be bit, he would be upset so he did his best to be serious with her.

"Mamas, that's not nice. You can't go around biting people because you think they're mean," He gently lectured, glimpsing down at her. "You wouldn't like it if someone came and bit you, would you?" He continued his oration, observing her slowly shake her head in response.

"How was he mean?" He questioned, glancing around at the different model homes they passed.

"He said he was going tew eat my cookie. I told him no and bit him," She nodded with a smile, believing she was in the right.

Samir snickered to himself "Did you eat your cookie or pick it up?" He wondered.

Miracle poked her bottom lip out, slowly shaking her head no "I bite him first. I'm sorry Mir Mir," She sighed, holding her head down.

Pausing in his footsteps before they could cross the street, Samir squatted down and stood Miracle's tiny body in front of him. He lifted her head "Don't hold your head down, pretty girls don't drop their crowns for nobody," He lightly smiled.  "If you feel like someone is being mean, you tell the teacher or an adult. No biting or hitting because that's not nice. Just don't do that next time, okay?"

Miracle nodded "Okay, I'm not in twouble?" She lightly rocked her body with a lip smile.

"When you go with Jazzy this weekend, no sweets," He kissed her forehead and stood up to his original height. Samir was raised on they're always consequences for all actions, and Miracle needed that.

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