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Dallas, TXOctober 29thTuesday

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Dallas, TX
October 29th

"Well I was thinking of making chili dogs tonight," Mulan told Samir over the phone as she was removing her clothes from the washer to the dryer.

"What is a chili dog? " He asked and she could hear him moving around on the other side.

"Well I call them chili dogs because I put that on them but it's just a hot dog with everything on it" She explained, standing up straight after all the clothes were in the dryer. She put a few dryer sheets into the dryer before closing the dryer door.

Samir hummed first before responding "I eat four hotdogs tho"

"You big bitch" She mumbled, picking the already-used dryer sheets off the floor.

"Whatchu' say?" He questioned.

"I said I need to defrost the hotdog buns that I have in the freezer" She lied, laughing to herself. She doesn't know why she didn't expect him to eat so much but after yesterday, she saw he was a person that eats three and a half plates.

Samir was built full of muscle so it made sense why he ate so much, she just wasn't expecting it. That was the first time she actually watched him eat, that's why it was a bit shocking to her.

Samir hummed again "Your mom told you what happened yet? Is she okay?" He asked.

Mulan scoffed "Yeah, she'll be ight" She rolled her eyes and then caught herself being insensitive. She didn't mean any harm but this is something she has gone through with Paula for years.

Mulan loved her mother of course but it was a struggle to feel empathetic sometimes for her after Paula never protected or felt empathy for Mulan during her whole childhood. It wasn't that she didn't feel bad, she just didn't feel as bad as a normal person would.

It was also a very tiring cycle for Mulan to go through with her mom. She wanted her mom to leave, she wanted her to get help and have better for herself but it was tiring trying to get through to her.

Paula used to always come running to Mulan after Koen beat her so badly. She always went back and Mulan always got the the bad end of the stick. She got cussed out, belittled and degraded for hiding Paula or trying to encourage her to leave him.

Paula never defended her when Koen did that stuff either, she just sat in the background. Not because she was scared but because she simply didn't care.

Paula coming to Dallas didn't make Mulan see any difference in the tiring cycle. She felt as if her mom came here to get away from Koen like she did when Mulan was living in Atlanta. After she gets a few days to clear her head, she goes back and Koen was going to find a way to get in contact with Mulan just to cuss her out and tell her to mind her business.

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