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😗sorry for any mistakes

Dallas, TXSeptember 6thFriday

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Dallas, TX
September 6th

Mulan 🍯

lmaoo! it's not funny🙄 my legs hurt so bad☹️.

but good morning Samir and happy Friday!🥰
I hope you have a blessed day!

Nobody told you to go so hard.
On leg day at that😂

And good morning to you too beautiful

Samir was too busy smiling down at his phone as he walked into the office of his store, he didn't even notice his assistant—Ebony, sitting at her desk.

"Good morning to you too Mr.Mcqueen" Ebony chuckled, following behind him into his office with his coffee in her hands.

Samir looked up with his eyebrows pinched together then realized what she said "Oh. Good morning Ebony" He says, clicking out of the thread with Mulan and setting his computer bag on top of his desk.

"Thank you," He muttered once she put his coffee down. He pulled his black leather rolling chair out from under his desk before sitting down.

"No calls this morning except your lawyer. He asks for y'all to go to lunch but you are already having lunch wit' your mom today at Red Lobster" She spoke, giving him the needed notes.

Samir frowned, sipping his black coffee with two sugars and a tad bit of creamer. "Lunch? When did I have plans for lunch wit' my mom?" He questioned, not remembering any plans about that.

"When she called in yesterday after you left and set it up." Ebony twisted her lips to the side as she took a seat in one of the black leather chairs he had in front of his desk.

Samir just shook his head, he really didn't want to go but he missed his mom. He just hoped this lunch would fix their issues.

As much as he wanted to be a big boy and take on his problems himself, he needed his mother's support more than anything right now.

"Aight. How are the kids?" He asked, opening his black computer bag and grabbing his MacBook.

"Good actually. My youngest started Kindergarten two weeks ago and hates it. My husband and I have to fight wit' her every morning to get her up. She'll get up for a donut tho" She chuckled and shook her head.

Samir chuckled. That reminded him of Miracle. She didn't like getting up for anything but if you offered her a cookie, she was quick to get up.

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