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Dallas, TXNovember 11thMonday

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Dallas, TX
November 11th

"Ebony...I'll fire you. Get outta my face" Samir spoke blankly to his assistant.

Ebony sucked her teeth "You're going to fire me because I said you need to get your grumpy ass on a dating site" She curled her lip up with her eyebrows pinched downwards.

"Yes, what the hell do I look like gettin' on a dating app?" Samir shook his head, looking down at the documents in front of him. In Samir's eyes, dating apps were for people that were looking for a partner and Samir wasn't. He is getting out of a long-term relationship, he didn't even know how to date from not doing so since he was sixteen.

"Samir, you have to get out there! You're on that black man-eligible bachelor magazine now. Do you know how many women buy that shi-I mean stuff?" She asked. tilting her head to the side.

Samir chuckled and shook his head at her. She just swore up and down that finding, a girlfriend would make him less 'grumpy'. Samir didn't think he was 'grumpy', a lot of people have been trying his patience lately, thinking he won't fire them and he does.

"I have a cousin and–Get out of my office Ebony before you get fired foreal" He cut her off, blankly staring at her.

Ebony loudly sighed, rolling her eyes "Yes sir, Mr. grumpy pants. Please look over those papers first before signing. You know how you are sometimes" She stood up from her spot in the seat in front of his desk.

Samir mugged her "Ima really fire you one day"

Ebony waved him off "You will never find a better assistant that makes your morning and afternoon coffee better than me. Or that keeps everything in one piece" She shrugged, walking out of his office. Samir shook his head, looking back down at the documents of new vendors. Ebony was the best assistant he has, she just does everything right. She does things before he even has to ask.

That's why he kept her around even though she got on his nerves the majority of the time. 

Samir lightly sucked his teeth in frustration. He was looking for two new overseas vendors since he was expanding his business. He just bought the storefront building for his new store in downtown Dallas today. Another store meant more business and more supplies that needed to be purchased. All his customized jewelry he makes himself along with the two other people he hired.

The next few months were going to be very time-consuming and long. He has to renovate the new store, getting the interior to his liking and fit. He had to go through a long hiring process, the store wasn't going to be as big as this first one so it didn't need many employees. It was just finding people he trusted enough, he needed employees that were going to be on their toes.

Being around expensive and real jewelry was a job Samir took VERY seriously. He expected his employees to do the same. He didn't need anyone that wasn't going to take the job as seriously as he needed. With the 30 dollars an hour he pays, they better take the job seriously.

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