Chapter 1

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Klonoa is held and thrown up into the air by a crowd of people. He was their hero after he dethroned the Dark Tyrant who had continually disregarded his people's rights and exploited them to the point of collapse just to satisfy his never ending greed. Klonoa is grinning ear to ear and loves the attention. He hears his name being called out and he sees one of the first people he saw when he woken up in this dream world. It was a monkey named Paan.

Paan: Klonoa! You did it! You ARE good! You are even better than the stories about you!

Klonoa: Haha... What stories?

Paan: How you faced three eldritch beings and a few demigods with a skeletal wolf and a fox priestess as your allies!

Klonoa: Huh? I think I would remember something that traumatizing.

Paan: Traumatizing? Interesting way to describe something you never did.

Klonoa: I don't remember every world I saved, but maybe.

Paan: Is.... This the part where you leave?

Klonoa: Yeah.... It's about that time. Any moment now.

Paan: Take care...

Klonoa: I will. Thanks.

Klonoa closes his eyes and drifts off but he feels like he is sinking and being pulled into an abyss of some sort rather than floating back to his world.

???: That was a close call. If you had came even a day later I would be died. I'll reward you by taking you to my realm.

Klonoa: Huh?...

Klonoa opens his eyes but instead of his familiar bed at home he is sitting on a concrete path next to a street lamp. All around him are large dark trees almost hidden by a thick mist

Klonoa: W-what? How am I-

Klonoa hears laughing from all around him. The voice seems to come from everywhere.

???: Did you know- No. Of course you wouldn't. You wouldn't remember the memories of another version of yourself. I am so very hungry. So give me EVERYTHING. Your ring, your clothes, your memories, your skin, your bones, your SOUL. I'll devour it all and you can become a part of me~

Klonoa: Hard pass.... I am not on the menu. I'll get out of here and go home.

???: HAHAH! Go ahead! Burn! BURN! Burn your very soul like that until the very end! It will only be that much more rewarding to devour you when you are out of gas!

With that the voice goes silent. Klonoa looks around and heads off the beaten path. Klonoa focuses and stays cautious. Klonoa stops suddenly. There is something deep in the mist that he can't describe. It was like swimming in dread and he was looking at a living void that stretches and bends and crawls. Klonoa really doesn't want to get closer and so he returns to the path. Now that he knows something possibly monstrous is out there putting distance doesn't help to calm him.

Klonoa: ... This place is too quiet. Normally I arrive at a populated area. I always.... Wait....Don't tell me that I started near some sort of monster den!

Klonoa just now notices that their are no insects or animal noises. Just talking feels like he did something wrong like if one yelled in a library.

Klonoa's thoughts: Ok... I think I'll stay by this light for now. I suppose all worlds have their own rules of how they worked. I'll go over what I know.
First, I was brought here by some evil force that was dying and I unintentionally saved. Hmmmm... that's  about it.... but if this is his realm then it might be weaker because the evil being was dying. I am thinking a lot. Is that normal? I need to explore further..... Wahoo...

Klonoa: What lurks in the mistWhere stories live. Discover now